Policeman: Put the knives down!
Wolverine: I can't.
President McKenna: What's that?
William Stryker: A jet.
President McKenna: What kind of jet?
William Stryker: We don't know...but it comes out of the basketball court.
Pyro: You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about in the news? I'm the worst one.
Magneto: When will these people learn how to fly?
Mystique: Mr. Stryker, do you really want to turn this into some kind of war?
William Stryker: I was piloting Black Ops missions in the jungles of North Vietnam while you were sucking on your mama's tit at Woodstock, Kelly. Don't lecture me about war. This already is a war.
Answer: Stryker was trying to get permission from the President to raid the school on the grounds that it is a mutant training facility. Mystique interjects and claims it is a docile boarding school in an attempt to dissuade the President from granting Stryker's request, as she doesn't want the students at the school to be harmed.
Phaneron ★