Trivia: During the scene in the bar with Mystique and the prison guard, the person on the TV is Dr. Hank McCoy - this is the real name of X-Man The Beast.

Trivia: When Deadpool autographs the cereal box he signs it Ryan Reynolds.

Trivia: In the 'happy Lent' scene, Wade is reading the Mario Lopez autobiography. Mario Lopez filmed a promotion with Ryan Reynolds where they pretended the movie was going to be toned down to a PG-13, which would have infuriated fans, before revealing the true R rating.

Trivia: The combat simulation the X-Men are running on their first appearance in the film features the dread Sentinel robots. Originally, these were meant to appear in the second movie already, but the idea was scrapped. The simulation also bears a close reference to the parallel comic storyline and later movie X-Men: Days of Future Past, where the Sentinels rebelled against humanity, killed most of Earth's superheroes and erected a totalitarian regime in the US.

Trivia: The third act was completely changed after reshoots. The final battle originally took place in space, and was then relocated to a train.

Trivia: It was comedian Jerry Seinfeld of all people that gave Hugh Jackman the idea to retire from the role of Wolverine. Jackman was attending a diner party with Seinfeld and asked him how he knew when it was time to end his legendary sitcom. Seinfeld told him "You need to leave something in the tank. If you feel like, 'OK, I think we might have said everything but there is still a little bit left, ' then that's the time to go." Jackman took it to heart and decided to go out on a high note and make the best film he possibly could to end his tenure as Wolverine, and considers "Logan" to be the most personal of all of his portrayals of the character.

Trivia: SPOILER! There is a mid credits scene that shows Logan going through airport security 2 years after the end of the movie, where he encounters Professor X and Magneto, who recruit him for a new mission that will be in the film X-Men: Days of Future Past.