Just Married

Just Married (2003)

103 mistakes - chronological order

(4 votes)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Tom and Sarah first meet, Tom leans over her to see if she is okay. In the widescreen version of this film you can see a tree in the lower left corner of the screen. It is stated in the commentary that this was not shot on the beach, but in the park, which explains the tree.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie Tom and Sarah are on an escalator. At first Sarah is sttod a fair distance behind him, then as Tom gets off the escalator she is almost directly behind him. In the next shot when Tom throws the luggage cart, she way behind again.

Continuity mistake: When Tom returns to his apartment from the airport his friend is asleep in a chair with a sandwich in his lap. The sandwich is on top of a paper towel. He slides over and the sandwich is still in his lap but now covered by the paper towel. How did the paper towel get on top of the sandwich?


Sarah: Is that a Thunderstick A-200o.
Tom: When did you become an expert?
Sarah: I told you about that night in college.
Tom: But you never told me about the hardware.
Sarah: Getting a visual.
Tom: We gotta charge this thing.
Sarah: That plug won't fit in European outlet.
Tom: I'll make it fit.
Sarah: Don't force it.

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