Revealing mistake: When Sarah is leaning over Tom to speak to Yuan on the intercom at the McNerney gate, Yuan is looking at the monitor in the kitchen. The monitor shows the car and there is a person wearing a white shirt sitting in the passenger seat of Tom's car. It can't be Sarah, who was sitting in the passenger seat, but now is leaning over Tom in the driver's seat, plus she is wearing a red coat. (00:03:20)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Tom accidentally kills Sarah's dog, he is seen reading a magazine while struggling with the dog. The dog continues to gnaw at Tom's ankle, and eventually rips open his snap pants. In a couple of the shots, you can see an ankle brace that Ashton Kutcher wore to protect him from the dog's bites. (00:11:34)
Revealing mistake: When Sarah walks into an artist and subsequently falls, she brushes up against the fresh canvas on the easel and falls into the wet paint brush he is holding in his hand. The paint is supposedly wet on this painted canvas and paint brush, as the artist is seen with his brush applying paint to this painting. If this were the case, then the paint would have smeared onto her, the red coat or her purse when she brushed up against it as she was falling or when she was on the ground, which is seen on the screen. (00:58:40)

Revealing mistake: Tom and Sarah are in the lavatory on the airplane fooling around. She sits on the counter and puts her hand on the faucet. Before it starts to spray water, we see the hole that was drilled into the side of the spout in order to make it spray the water sideways! (00:31:30)
Revealing mistake: When Tom is threatening Peter with the poker in the hotel room, Peter does a kata stance and blurts that he studied with a Chinese grand master. While looking at Christian Kane (Peter) hamming it up, we see Brittany Murphy (Sarah) start to laugh, but she tries to keep it together for the take, given the seriousness of that particular moment. (01:18:15)
Revealing mistake: Tom recalls meeting Sarah on the beach when the football slammed into her. In the shot of the football hitting her, we see the very soft sponge-like football hitting her blue cap and bouncing off. It obviously was not the football shown that Tom threw. (00:06:35)
Revealing mistake: Peter and Sarah are in the car on their way to meet with Henri at his estate. In the car Peter pours champagne into a flute for Sarah, but the champagne has no bubbles because it is really apple juice or some other non-bubbly drink. (01:07:55)
Revealing mistake: Just after Tom asks Sarah, "Did you hear that?" and he thinks it's a message from God, there is a crowd behind them, staring at them and the camera lens. (00:56:40)
Revealing mistake: Sarah walks on the foot bridge with the artists when she spots Peter. In the front shot her arms are spread out around the artist as she walks right into him. In the next shot she walks between the artist and the easel with her back to the camera and falls. It's also very obvious that it's not Brittany Murphy in this shot. (00:58:40)
Revealing mistake: In a close-up Tom sits in his car trying to slice off the lock of hair that has a wad of gum stuck to it. In the wide shot it is very apparent that it is not the same hair or his hair for that matter, as in the close-up, that he cuts off. (00:02:05)
Revealing mistake: In the scene where Tom and Sarah first meet, Tom leans over her to see if she is okay. In the widescreen version of this film you can see a tree in the lower left corner of the screen. It is stated in the commentary that this was not shot on the beach, but in the park, which explains the tree.
Revealing mistake: While Tom and Sarah are at the Piazza in Italy, people either walk by or stand and stare right into the camera lens. (00:55:35)