Just Married

Just Married (2003)

103 mistakes - chronological order

(4 votes)

Continuity mistake: At 'Caffe [sic] America', Wendy and Tom are dancing. Tom's holding a Bud Light and the label is at his fingertips, but in the next shot his hand is lower and the label is under his palm. (01:09:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom jumps out of the bathroom window of the Caffe [sic] America. In the close-up he lands one foot in a wood crate and behind him there is another wood crate with eggplants. Yet in the next shot, the wood crate he lands in is smashed differently, there is another crate in front with lettuce and the wood crate with eggplant behind him is gone. (01:10:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom asks Fredo, the maitre d' of the Hotel Gianna, about Sarah's whereabouts. When the man throws down Tom's key, a view of the lobby desk is seen. When Tom places the money down on the reservations book, in this close-up the desk is arranged differently. (01:11:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom and Wendy stand in the hallway outside of Tom's room in the Hotel Gianna. In the first shot he stands to the right of the door, with his back to the elevator. However in the next shot, he stands to the left of the door with his back towards the other rooms. (01:14:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the Hotel Gianna, when Tom and Wendy are in the hallway, he unlocks the door. In the hallway, there is a ceramic vase next to the lamp on the marble top table. Then Wendy goes after Tom and in the next shot from inside the room the hallway is seen, the lamp is on the table, but the ceramic vase is not there. (01:14:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom and Wendy fall onto the bed in Tom's hotel room. First his head is off the green and gold decorative silk pillow, but next shot his head is lying in the center of that pillow. In the shot behind Wendy, the pillow lays decorative side down, but in the following shot his head is in the center of the decorative side. When he sits up, the decorative side is underneath again. When Wendy leaves the decorative pillow is gone entirely. (01:14:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In Tom's hotel room, Wendy kicks Tom in the face and he goes down on the floor. In this shot the red velvet pillow on the bed is decorative side down and Tom's duffel is seen. In the next shot the red velvet pillow is decorative side up and the duffel is positioned differently. (01:15:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Tom sees Peter kissing Sarah, when she enters the room he accuses her of wanting Peter. Seen behind Tom is his blue backpack and part of his red sweatshirt on the same chair as Wendy's red bra. There's a close-up of the chair when Sarah spots the bra and it's seen again when she picks up the bra. The red sweatshirt is positioned differently in each of these shots. (01:16:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Sarah approaches the server that the ashtray is on, the ashtray and other items are positioned differently in this shot, than when she picks up the ashtray in the close-up. (01:17:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After Sarah throws the ash tray at Tom, the sound of him falling hard is heard as the camera is on Sarah. She then says, "I'm sorry" and runs to him, as she continues to look straight ahead where he was standing before we heard him fall, instead of looking down at the floor where he fell. (01:17:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Tom is threatening Peter with the poker in the hotel room, Peter does a kata stance and blurts that he studied with a Chinese grand master. While looking at Christian Kane (Peter) hamming it up, we see Brittany Murphy (Sarah) start to laugh, but she tries to keep it together for the take, given the seriousness of that particular moment. (01:18:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom chases Peter down the stairs with a poker, in the first shot Peter knocks into the luggage at the bottom of the stairs near the two men and woman. In the next shot the woman and one man on the 'left' of the stairs changed positions and the luggage set up is different. (01:18:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Sarah and Tom are in the jail, Tom has a red plaid blanket around his shoulders. Between the shot outside the cell bars and the shot inside the cell bars, the position of the plaid changes. (01:19:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom and Sarah are on the plane returning from their honeymoon, and in the close-up when Tom tries to sit down you can see in the background two overhead compartments closed. However, in the full view of the compartment those overheads are now open. No one closed them between shots. (01:21:05)

Continuity mistake: On the airplane going back home, Sarah has a pillow behind her head. In the overhead shot the pillow is straight, then in the close-up the pillow is crooked, and in the next overhead shot the pillow is straight again. (01:21:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After coming back from the honeymoon, Tom, having two reddish bruises on his cheeks, walks into KNR Radio for his 2 AM stint and chats with Fred. However, after recalling all the memories, Tom walks out of KNR Radio a few hours later and speaks with Kyle, but the reddish bruises are no longer there. (01:22:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Sarah and Peter pull up to Peter's friends' house in Italy, Peter gets out of the car. Inside the car, you can see the middle bit where the champagne was and in the seat next to it, you can see there is nothing or no one there. That is where Sarah is supposed to be sitting. But in the next shot you see Sarah just starting to get out of the car, which means you should have been able to see her.

Continuity mistake: When Tom is playing football with Sarah and her family, Willy goes to knock him over. He pushes Tom in one direction, but in the next shot Tom falls down on the ground facing the opposite way.

Continuity mistake: In the scene after the wedding when Tom and Sarah go to the hotel they fall on the bed, Sarah says that she's tired and they get ready for bed. Sarah then starts to moan because she won't be 'doing it' on their wedding night and Tom gets close and tell her that it was okay and that he loved her. At this time, Tom's face is close to Sarah's but in the next shot his head it quite far away. How can he move his head so quickly in that amount of time?

Tom: Okay, whatever. Listen, you get guests here from all over the world, it's up to you to have some American on your signs.
Sarah: He means English.

More quotes from Just Married

Trivia: In the scene where Tom and Sarah have a funeral for their dog, they are actually wearing their own clothes. The original scene was too elaborate so they re-shot the whole funeral in their own clothes.

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