Tom: The first sex I had on my honeymoon, was with a man named Santino.
Sarah: Is that a Thunderstick A-200o.
Tom: When did you become an expert?
Sarah: I told you about that night in college.
Tom: But you never told me about the hardware.
Sarah: Getting a visual.
Tom: We gotta charge this thing.
Sarah: That plug won't fit in European outlet.
Tom: I'll make it fit.
Sarah: Don't force it.
Tom: I just hope that... I can be... all that I can... be... in this... family.
Mr. Leezak: You never see the hard days in a photo album, but those are the ones that get you from one happy snap shot to the next.
Tom: I need to know everything... where, when, how small his weiner is.
Tom: Those birds are psychotic.
Wendy: That was the longest fricking piss in Italian history.