Just Married

Just Married (2003)

103 mistakes - chronological order

(4 votes)

Continuity mistake: Sarah and Tom crash through the wall at the Pensione and the plaster breaks up a particular way. In the next shot from the neighboring room the plaster stays more solid and the rest breaks up a different way. (00:52:00)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After crashing through the wall at the Pensione, Tom and Sarah are lying on another couple's bed. In the wide shot Tom's head is near a bunch of plaster and certain colors in the crochet blanket. Sarah's watch face is seen too. Next shot Tom's head is not where it was before and Sarah's watch face is under her wrist now. Her hand is on his shoulder and her hair hangs in front of her left shoulder. The next shot her hand is lower on his chest and her hair is not in front of her left shoulder. (00:52:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tom and Sarah are lying in bed at the Pensione, in the top shot of both of them, her pillowcase decorative edge opening is on her right. Yet when he asks, "Want to show those paisans how it's done?" it's on her left. (00:52:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: On their honeymoon, Sarah and Tom are lying in bed together in the Pensione, Sarah is wearing her necklace with the cross. In the next shot, the chain is there but the cross is not. Then in the next shot, the cross is seen back on the chain. Obviously in the middle shot the cross slid on the chain behind her neck and that is why it's not seen. (00:52:30)

Continuity mistake: At the Hotel Gianna, Sarah gives Tom the telephone to speak with her father and there is a cloth hanging over the side of the wine bucket near the chaise lounge. Then when Tom hangs up the phone, the cloth is now inside the wine bucket. No one touched it. (00:53:25)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The morning after checking into the Gianna Hotel in Italy, Sarah and Tom are in a gondola. Sarah is wearing the same blue shirt and black leather pants and Tom is wearing the red zipper front sweatshirt from the day before. Then in the next shot and the rest of the day, they are wearing different clothes, Sarah a white shirt and Tom in a basketball t-shirt. (00:55:25)

Just Married mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During their sightseeing in Italy, Sarah and Tom pose for an artist who sketches the two of them. In the first shot, their portrait is tacked on the left of the easel with two other portraits. In the next close-up, their portrait is tacked on the right of the easel. (00:55:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Sarah and Tom are sightseeing in Italy, Tom is harassed by the pigeons. During this scene from one shot to the next, as Sarah stands there, the people and buildings behind them are closer, then further away, then closer again. (00:55:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: As Sarah starts to walk on the foot bridge, on her right there are artists and their easels, canvases, etc. In the following wide shots, close-up, pan down to the Hotel Gianna and pan up from the water, the position and existence of canvases, easels, sketch box, etc. changes throughout these shots. (00:58:30)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Sarah walks into an artist and subsequently falls, she brushes up against the fresh canvas on the easel and falls into the wet paint brush he is holding in his hand. The paint is supposedly wet on this painted canvas and paint brush, as the artist is seen with his brush applying paint to this painting. If this were the case, then the paint would have smeared onto her, the red coat or her purse when she brushed up against it as she was falling or when she was on the ground, which is seen on the screen. (00:58:40)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Sarah walks on the foot bridge with the artists when she spots Peter. In the front shot her arms are spread out around the artist as she walks right into him. In the next shot she walks between the artist and the easel with her back to the camera and falls. It's also very obvious that it's not Brittany Murphy in this shot. (00:58:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: While walking along the foot bridge with artists, Sarah walks into an artist, trips and falls. In the first shot of her actually falling, she is between the artist on her left and the easel, as she somersaults between them. Yet in the next shot, different camera angle, her face is where her feet landed in the previous shot and the artist is now behind her, to her right. (00:58:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom runs into the hotel room singing, "Dodgers won..." and he drops his jacket in a heap on top of the tour guide book lying on the chair. When he runs to Sarah at the door, the jacket lies differently. Then when he takes his jacket to get some air, the jacket is lying very neatly across the chair and the book is in a different position. (01:01:05 - 01:05:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom recalls the incident with Bags and in the first shot the tennis ball is on his desk, but in the next shot the tennis ball is on the floor near Bags. Tom did not put it there between shots. (01:02:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tom recalls the incident with Bags, in the wide shot he puts the pen into his left hand that also holds the magazine and then reaches for the ball. In the next close-up, still reaching for the ball, the pen is now in his mouth, not his hand. (01:02:45)

Super Grover

Audio problem: When Tom and Sarah stomp out of Hotel Gianna, he yells, "Hooker!" and she yells, "Murderer!" When he yells, his lips are not saying the word hooker. (01:05:20)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: Peter and Sarah are in the car on their way to meet with Henri at his estate. In the car Peter pours champagne into a flute for Sarah, but the champagne has no bubbles because it is really apple juice or some other non-bubbly drink. (01:07:55)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Bernardo's mansion, Peter and Sarah walk up the stairs with Bernardo as he holds Sarah's upper arm. When Bernardo asks, "Your honeymoon?" the strap of her purse is under Bernardo's hand at her elbow. He does not release his grip of her arm and in the next shot as he says, "But she's so young to be married," the strap is now on her shoulder. (01:09:05)

Super Grover

Sarah: Tom, have you ever not told me something cause you were afraid of how I would react? Like have you ever not told me the truth about anything?
Tom: Like when I told you I liked your brother?
Sarah: This is serious Tom.
Tom: I am serious, I really don't like him.

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