Just Married

Just Married (2003)

103 mistakes - chronological order

(4 votes)

Continuity mistake: Tom and Sarah arrive at the Hotel DuReve and look out at the view. In the first shot the strap of her purse is on her shoulder, in the second it is at her elbow, in the third it's at her shoulder again. She does not touch it between shots. (00:36:25)

Super Grover

Factual error: In the scene where Tom and Sarah are in the French castle, there's a flag hanging in the background. This is the official flag of the Austrian province of Tyrol although the whole scene plays in France. (00:36:45)

Continuity mistake: When Tom and Sarah arrive at the Hotel DuReve, they speak with Henri Margeaux, who's blazer is unbuttoned. He then reaches for the gift bottle of cognac from Peter, and in that close-up we see the blazer buttoned. (00:37:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Sarah and Tom are speaking with Henri at the Hotel DuReve and he hands them the gift bottle of cognac from Peter. In the next few shots her pink scarf and his left red draw string change positions in every camera angle. (00:37:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the Hotel DuReve, when they first enter their room, Tom jumps onto and off the bed. Doing so, he causes the small white lace pillow to slip down on the bed, but when she jumps onto the bed after him, in the close-up the lace pillow is upright again. Then it's down in the next shot and upright in the next. The brown wood chair changes position in these shots too. (00:38:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At the Hotel DuReve, the bellboy is in the room with Tom and Sarah. As Tom asks about Satellite TV, the white lace pillow is lying on the bed and Tom's right red draw string is caught up by his shoulder under his jacket. In their next close-up, Tom's red hood, jacket, zipper and red draw string are different, as is the white lace pillow which is now upright. (00:38:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Tom and Sarah are in the castle and the bellboy brings up their suitcases, Sarah is hugging Tom. Sarah's hair is curly at the bottom but when she tells Tom what the bellboy is saying the bottom of her hair is straight. (00:38:35)

Continuity mistake: At Hotel DuReve, while Sarah says goodbye to her mom on the telephone, seen leaning against the windowsill is a tall lean wood stick, and the small white lace pillow is upright on the bed. In the next shot the pillow is lying flat on the bed. Then when Tom tries to force the plug into the outlet, in the front shots that windowsill is seen behind him and the stick is not there. (00:39:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tom forces the plug into the European outlet he's blown backwards, flips over the chair and knocks the red pillow onto the floor. In the next shot as Sarah asks him if he's okay, the red pillow is still on the chair. (00:40:35)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: After causing the electrical short at the Hotel DuReve, Henri goes with Tom and Sarah to their room. When he reaches the top of the stairs outside their door, he has two buttons closed on his blazer. Yet when he walks through their door he has only one button closed. His hair is different in both shots too. (00:41:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Tom throws the snowball at the blue car, it hits the rear windshield and flies off to the side as the car stops short. The snowball does not leave any snow on the windshield, however in the next shot as the blue car backs up, there's snow on the rear windshield now. Then in the next two close-ups of the blue car the snow's gone from the rear windshield again. (00:47:30)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tom throws a snowball at the blue car trying to get help after their car is stuck in the snow, Tom and Sarah are standing right next to the car. However, when the blue car backs up and pushes their car over the cliff, the couple is nowhere near the car. This was edited from a longer sequence, with a shot of them jumping out of the way, that was deleted. (00:47:35)

Continuity mistake: In the scene were Tom and Sarah are standing beside their car which is stuck in the snow, Tom throws a snowball at a passing blue car. The driver then reverses into their yellow compact, which is pushed easily over the cliff. You can see that there is very little snow covering their yellow car, as opposed to the shots right before it. (00:47:40)

Continuity mistake: When the blue car pushes Tom and Sarah's compact down the cliff, Sarah has her arms around Tom's neck as they watch in horror. After being given the finger by the woman, in the next shot of Tom and Sarah, they are covered in snow, front and back. This was edited from a longer sequence in which they dive out of the way of the blue car, thus explaining the snow all over them. (00:47:40)

Super Grover

Deliberate mistake: When the blue car backs up and pushes Tom and Sarah's compact over the cliff, in the close-up the woman is seen, but in the next shot it is very obviously not that woman driving away. (00:47:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the woman shows Tom and Sarah their room at the Pensione, the woman's top sweater button is closed. In her close-up it's open, but then it's closed again. (00:51:05)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Sarah and Tom enter their room at the Pensione, she puts her black bag with duct tape down on the chair and placed her coat on top. Then a piece of ceiling plaster falls to the floor. In the close-up, the plaster is half off the rug and the black bag with duct tape is also seen on the chair. Then in wide shot the plaster is entirely on the rug and the black bag is back under the coat again. (00:51:20)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: At Pensione Funicello, when Tom and Sarah are kissing, as he removes his jacket and sweatshirt, there's a wide shot, close-up and a second wide shot. Between the first and second wide shots, her coat and bags on the chair, the red luggage and other luggage on the floor, more plaster and bulb shades, all change positions. For example, the red luggage goes from lying to upright. (00:51:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tom and Sarah are at Pensione Funicello, Tom starts taking off his red sweatshirt and removes his arm from the remaining sleeve. In the next shot his arm is still in the sleeve as he tries to still take it off. (00:51:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Tom and Sarah crash through to the room next door at the Pensione, their room is seen beyond the rubble. Sarah's duct taped handbag is on the chair and her red suitcase is lying on the floor next to the chair. However just before they crash through the wall, while fooling around, Sarah's coat is on top of her handbag and her red suitcase is sitting upright. (00:52:00)

Super Grover

Sarah: Tom, have you ever not told me something cause you were afraid of how I would react? Like have you ever not told me the truth about anything?
Tom: Like when I told you I liked your brother?
Sarah: This is serious Tom.
Tom: I am serious, I really don't like him.

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