Child's Play 2
Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the teacher has thrown Chucky into the closet there is a closeup of Andy. You can see a book with red edges on his desk. When it cuts to a shot from above you can see the book has changed. (00:34:15)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the teacher throws Chucky into the closet you can see three tables in the shot. All three tables are stacked close to each other. When it cuts to a wide shot the tables are moved farther away from each other. (00:34:15)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Throughout the classroom scene, there is a row of desks which are right by the wall, which keep either disappearing or moving. (00:34:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the school cloakroom above the coats, is a shelf of dodgeballs, footballs and basketballs. Look at the arrangement of the balls when Miss Kettlewell enters the cloakroom. When Miss Kettlewell is stabbed, and crashes into the desks, you can see in the cloakroom that the arrangement has totally changed and additional items have appeared. (00:36:25 - 00:37:05)


Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell is stabbed with the bike pump by Chucky, she drops her keys to the floor. When Chucky exits the cloakroom with the ruler, the whole floor is visible, but the keys have vanished. (00:36:50)


Continuity mistake: Miss Kettlewell gets stabbed, and goes flying out of her cupboard. As she flies into the desks and falls she is wearing tights, but in the previous shots she wasn't. (00:36:55)


Continuity mistake: When Chucky walks out of the closet saying "You've been very naughty..." there is no gap between the clothes hanging on the rack behind him, where they were pulled apart previously by Miss Kettlewell. In the next shot, there is again. (00:37:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy equips himself with an electric knife, he heads for the basement, opening the door. We then see a shot of the basement, completely dark except for a window-shaped patch of light. When Andy gets down the stairs, the basement is much more brighter. (00:41:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The position of the metal poker changes from when we see it as the camera pans around the basement, to when Chucky picks it up. (00:42:25 - 00:45:10)


Continuity mistake: When Andy is in the cellar it is quite dark. Then a round spikey object make some squeaky sound and Andy turns against it. When it cuts back to Andy the whole cellar is suddenly full of light. (00:42:45)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy is in the basement, he walks backward into the wash-dryer, and we see a big sheet hanging up on a line behind him, with five pegs. After he hears a noise and turns to look, now only four pegs hold it up. (00:43:15)


Continuity mistake: In the basement when Chucky jumps onto Andy's shoulders you see them landing halfway on a carpet on the floor. When it cuts they have moved away from the carpet. (00:44:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: From when we see Phil hit the floor and break his neck, to when we see Phil again in a different shot when Joanne runs over to him, the way Phil is laying has changed. (00:45:35)


Continuity mistake: When Andy is being picked up by the manager of the center Kyle is standing in front of him. Then the manager calls for Andy, and Kyle is looking out at her. When it cuts Kyle is looking at Andy. (00:47:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the room where Kyle discovers Joanne dead, beside where Joanne is sitting is a desk, with drawers open and cloth and straps hanging down. In shots, items move, the drawers are open more / less and a strap disappears. The lamp on the desk turns itself on as well. (00:52:00 - 00:53:30)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky jumps on Kyle's back in the bedroom, she struggles to get him off. In an attempt, she bashes up against the wall, and this knocks a picture frame askew. In the next shot the frame is straight. (00:52:30)


Continuity mistake: When Kyle has dropped the knife to the floor she is standing by a mirror looking down to her right for the knife before reaching for it. It cuts to a closeup of the knife and Chucky grabs it before her. It cuts back to Kyle who gasps in fear, but now she is looking more to her left like everything is happening on that side. (00:52:50)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In one scene, Chucky and a girl are driving down a road when they get pulled over by a cop. The cop is surprised to see a "Good Guys" doll, and is shocked to see that its nose is bleeding. They do a close up of Chucky's nose, and blood is running from it. When they cut to the cops point of view, where Chucky and the girl are both in frame, the blood is gone. It doesn't reappear for the rest of that scene, even though no one wiped it away. (00:54:55)

Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky is threatening Mattson in the car with the fake gun, between shots as he shouts threats at Mattson, Chucky's grip on the gun and the angle at which he has it pressed against Mattson's cheek keeps changing. (00:18:30)


More mistakes in Child's Play 2

Chucky: Did you miss me, Andy? I sure missed you. I told you, we were gonna be friends 'til the end. And now, it's time to play. I got a new game, sport. It's called "Hide the soul." And guess what? You're it.

More quotes from Child's Play 2

Trivia: In a 2018 interview, series producer David Kirshner revealed that of all people, Steven Spielberg was instrumental in helping get "Child's Play 2" and the later sequels made. MGM, the studio that made the original, decided not to produce a sequel when a new company president took over who disliked horror movies. Several studios started a bidding war for the "Child's Play" property, but Spielberg called Kirshner and encouraged him to go to Universal. Kirshner contacted Universal, and mentioned that Spielberg suggested them. The executives immediately made Kirshner an offer to make not only "Child's Play 2" but all future films in the series, and even accepted most of Kirshner's demands about the franchise, allowing he and co-creator Don Mancini to be in control of the series - something that likely would not have happened had another studio bought the rights in a bidding war.


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