Child's Play 2
Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy approaches Chucky posing as Tommy, near the foot of the stairs, the doll's freckles are faded in some shots, and more prominent in others. (00:25:00)


Continuity mistake: In the first movie, when the batteries fall out of the Good Guy box, they are size D. When Andy goes to check the batteries in this movie and opens Chucky up, the batteries are marked size C. (00:26:00 - 00:27:00)

Jayce Fryman

Continuity mistake: When Kyle and Andy are in the garden, we see Chucky sitting on a flower cart. In a wide shot he sits in the middle of the cart, in a closeup he's on the left. (00:26:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy is tied up on his bed, the two skipping ropes tied to his feet have green rope, but in one closeup of Andy kicking his foot about, the rope is yellow, then in the next wide shot, is green once again. (In the closeup of Andy kicking his feet he has also gained slippers!) (00:28:35 - 00:29:40)


Continuity mistake: When Kyle climbs into Andy's room, she unties his hand from the skipping rope, and Andy punches Chucky, who falls down onto the floor by the side of the bed. Yet when Phil comes in, he picks up Chucky from the floor by the end of the bed. (00:29:30)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the very first shot of Miss Kettlewell reading, in the background beside the closet is a ruler leaning against the doorframe. When Miss Kettlewell walks to Andy the ruler is now leaning upright against the wall, no longer leaning on the doorframe. (00:32:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The books and other items on the desk of the boy sitting behind Andy move about between shots, and the boys sleeves change from rolled up his arms to pulled down to the wrists too. (00:33:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell is reprimanding Andy in class for disturbing her lesson, the shot alternates from behind her to in front. During each shot change, the position of the book she clutches in her arms keeps changing. (00:33:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell is about to check the children's homework sheets, she puts her glasses on. Then when she discovers the profanity written on Andy's work, you can see her glasses hanging down by her chest. They're back on in the next shot. (00:33:35)


Continuity mistake: In Miss Kettlewell's classroom Andy slides open a cupboard door and sees Chucky. He only opens the door about halfway, but in the next wide shot, the cupboard door is slid all the way open. (00:33:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The small cupboard where Andy finds Chucky hiding in, in Miss Kettlewell's classroom is full of toys. When Miss Kettlewell grabs Chucky from the cupboard you can see there is a toy crocodile in it, but in the next wide shot of Andy at his desk, you can see the open cupboard, and the crocdile has vanished, along with other toys changing position. (00:34:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell says "No? Then who did?" all the children leave the room, and the door closes. In the next shot we see the door closing again. (00:34:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Andy has to stay behind at school, and sits at a desk. The desk he sits on has some text books scattered on it. In one shot the books are slightly hanging off the table, but in the next shot the books are neatly placed on the centre of the desk. (00:34:05)


Continuity mistake: Andy leans forward and puts his head down near the desk, when Miss Kettlewell shouts "Head down!" at him. In the next shot he is sitting upright with his head up. (00:34:10)


Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell says "Head down!" to Andy, Andy's elbows are resting on some textbooks on the desk. In the next shot the textbook are in front of him. (00:34:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell throws Chucky into her closet, on the right of her big silver desk is a black pencil pot. But in the next wide shot of the classroom, the black pencil pot has moved much further to the left of her desk. Other items on the desk, such as the sheets of paper, and books also move. (00:34:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the classroom scene, the huge blow-up globe sitting by the wall changes position between shots. (00:34:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Miss Kettlewell locks Chucky up in the classroom closet, look at the toys and books on the children's desks as she leaves. When Andy walks up to the closet after she leaves, the stuff on the students' desks has changed. (00:34:15)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy is tied up on his bed, the two skipping ropes tied to his feet have green rope, but in one closeup of Andy kicking his foot about, the rope is yellow, then in the next wide shot, is green once again. (In the closeup of Andy kicking his feet he has also gained slippers!) (00:28:35 - 00:29:40)


More mistakes in Child's Play 2

Chucky: I've got you now, Andy! And you know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna cut off your legs, too!

More quotes from Child's Play 2

Trivia: The other good-guy doll "Tommy" was allegedly named after Tom Holland, director of the first film. Holland and series creator Don Mancini supposedly didn't get on very well behind-the-scenes, and it's been suggested that Chucky breaking and then burying the Tommy doll was a subtle jab at him.


More trivia for Child's Play 2

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