Best movie continuity mistakes of 1990

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Home Alone picture Home Alone mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kevin goes to the grocery, he buys Tide detergent. While walking home, the two bags break, but no Tide detergent falls out.

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Suggested correction: Maybe he returned it.

No chance, we see him buy it and then use it in a later scene.


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Ghost picture

Continuity mistake: Where Swazye and Moore are at the pottery wheel, seconds after their hands and arms had been smeared with clay, they're clean.

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Suggested correction: The director explained this in the commentary. The scene where they are clean isn't meant to be immediately after the clay pot scene. It was just the same evening.

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Pretty Woman picture Pretty Woman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The morning after Vivian's first night at the hotel, room service brings breakfast. When she's eating a croissant it cuts to a shot of Edward, and when it cuts back to Vivian she's eating a pancake which goes from being half done, to being a whole pancake again. (00:30:55)

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Die Hard 2 picture

Continuity mistake: When McClane is fighting Col Stuart there is an up close shot where McClane kicks the Colonel and the Colonel grabs his leg. When the camera cuts away he is holding McClane's arm instead of his leg. (01:48:40)


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Darkman picture

Continuity mistake: When Peyton returns to his lab after its destruction, a burnt picture of him and Julie is on the floor. The destroyed picture shows half of Peyton's face missing. After finding a new place to stay, when the picture is put into the scanner, more of Peyton's face is visible. (00:28:10 - 00:30:40)

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Rocky V picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of Rocky IV, Rocky's son Robert is around 6 or 7 years old. After Rocky comes back from Russia in Rocky V, his son is around 12. While there was a 5 year interval between Rocky IV and V, no time had elapsed from the two in movie time. So, therefore, his son should still be the same age given that Rocky has just recently fought Drago, "The Russian" considering his bruises, and they all returned home right after the fight.

More Rocky V continuity mistakes
Robocop 2 picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie when the gun store is being robbed, one of them fires a portable rocket launcher at the police car, causing it to roll over and spin. As it comes to a stop just outside the store, it's visible that the driver's side window has been blown out, and the vehicle interior is visible, however when the same guy prepares to fire the bazooka to finish it off, the window has returned and is completely intact.


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The Adventures of Ford Fairlane picture

Continuity mistake: When Ford and Jazz are at the Colleen Sutton party, Jazz is asked to keep an eye on Colleen. Collen spots her and put a CD down her dress with the black end facing downwards. When Ford is taking the CD up from her dress the black end is now facing upwards. (00:43:25 - 00:45:00)


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Back to the Future Part III picture Back to the Future Part III mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty returns to 1985, he goes to his house and gets in his Toyota pick-up. Look closely behind his head when he first gets in the truck, there is no driver-side head rest. But when he picks up Jennifer, when they pull up to the stop sign the head rest is there. (01:45:00)

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Bird on a Wire picture

Continuity mistake: When Mel Gibson is getting the bullet pulled out of his backside, watch his trousers throughout the scene. First they're around his knees, then his ankles, then around his waist.

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Young Guns 2 picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Billy is shooting Doc's handcuffs, Billy's revolver changes several times, shot by shot. Watch for the front sight to appear and disappear between the POV Doc shot and the medium distance shot, and for the entire finish of the gun to change at least twice.

More Young Guns 2 continuity mistakes
Captain America picture

Continuity mistake: When a man is giving a locket with two pictures, he places it on his left hand, yet the close-up shows the right hand.


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Look Who's Talking Too picture

Continuity mistake: When Molly takes Mikey into work and he is under the desk, Rona is still wearing her shoe. Yet when the scene changes, her shoe is missing when Mikey starts tickling her foot. Then when the boss realises that Mikey is under the desk, her shoe is back on. When the shot changes again, her shoe is off.

More Look Who's Talking Too continuity mistakes
Goodfellas picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene that Karen is too afraid to take the clothes and the license plate falls off, there is a shot of the windshield which is close enough to reveal the fake registration sticker made for the era in which the movie was represented. The problem is though that not only is it obvious that the sticker is applied on the outside of the window, but the current sticker (inside the window) is larger than the movie prop and can be seen as a "frame" around the other. (02:11:30)

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Days of Thunder picture

Continuity mistake: When Harry is telling Cole to "Run 50 laps your way, then run 50 laps my way and I'll beat you every time," Harry is at first wearing a Georgia bulldogs baseball cap. Then a Florida Gators hat when he leans in the driver's window. Moments later when he speaks to Cole over the radio after the test run has started, he's now wearing a Georgia Bulldogs hat again.

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Kindergarten Cop picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the film John and Detective O'Hara are driving. She suddenly gets really sick, so John stops the car so she can get out. She runs and then throws up. When she comes back to the car she trips on a log that was never there before. (00:19:45)

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Quigley Down Under picture

Continuity mistake: In one of the final scenes where Tom Selleck has a gunfight with Alan Rickman, the time of day during the few minutes (in movie time) the scene takes place varies from noon (full sunlight) to dusk. Just prior to the gunfight, when Selleck is getting ready to draw on Rickman and his two henchmen, there are almost no shadows and there is bright sunlight indicating it is in the middle of the day. Just after the gunfight there are now long shadows on the characters and moments later the camera pans across the hills and the sun is setting.

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Suggested correction: Shadows exist before and after try to watch it again.

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Cry-Baby picture

Continuity mistake: When the Drapes are singing to Allison/Baldwin/Mrs. Vernon Williams, the song, "Gee, I Love that Girl" in the speeding cars, Hatchet-Face's gold earrings are on, then off, then on again. They are seen again in other scenes.

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Child's Play 2 picture Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky is threatening Mattson in the car with the fake gun, between shots as he shouts threats at Mattson, Chucky's grip on the gun and the angle at which he has it pressed against Mattson's cheek keeps changing. (00:18:30)


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