Corrected entry: At the end of the film, when Boromir is racing up the hill to the rescue of Merry and Pippin, you simply see his dark clothing as he climbs. Then the camera cuts away, returning to a shot of Boromir still coming up the hill, only this time the horn of Gondor is suddenly evident, flip-flopping wildly with his every step.
Corrected entry: There are two parts in the film where Sam refers to what "Gandalf told him". When he first tells him (in the cornfield) he says "Don't you lose him Samwise Gamgee", but at the ending (right after Frodo saves Sam from drowning) he says, "Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee."
Correction: How is this a "mistake"? Sam could have remembered what Gandalf told him two different ways; memory is a very subjective thing. Or he could have chosen to use the word "leave" rather than "lose" the second time because it had more impact. Or he could have decided that even though Gandalf had said "lose", what he truly meant was "leave". There are a dozen other plausible reasons for this.
Corrected entry: When Saruman is summoning an avalanche on Carhadras a bandage can be seen on his left middle finger.
Correction: This isn't really a mistake - although it was a real bandage from an injury (it is mentioned in the commentary on the extended DVD) it isn't anachronistic in any way.
Corrected entry: When Frodo and Gandalf are discussing the fate of the ring in Bilbo's house, the ring is on the table in front of them. When the camera goes to close ups of the ring it is sometimes to the left of the table and sometimes to the right. Looks like a simple camera reversal.
Correction: These changes represent the different points of view - sometimes we see the ring from Gandalf's POV, sometimes from Frodo's. The items on the table are all in the correct places to support this, and there is often a close-up of the relevant person right before the shot cuts away to the ring.
Corrected entry: When Lurtz is thrown on the ground by Aragorn before shooting Boromir with a point-blank arrow, he holds his bow. Nevertheless, after getting back up in a split second, he holds both his broad-bladed sword and his shield.
Correction: He rolls away when Aragorn tackles him and picks up the sword and shield of a fallen Uruk beside him.
Corrected entry: When Borimir is about to die and Strider is running towards him, one of the supposedly dead Orcs lifts his head to watch Strider run by and then promptly lays his head down again.
Correction: Debatable - looks more like he's just wounded but has no energy to get up and continue the fight.
Corrected entry: When Legolas arrives in Rivendell, you see him dismount his horse and turn to view the area. Right after he jumps off you see he is just behind his horse's front leg. After the shot changes, he is a couple feet forward from his last position.
Corrected entry: When Frodo pulls Sam into the elvish boat after saving him from drowning, you can see Sam's foot for a second, and you see he doesn't have his hobbit feet on. Sam pulls his foot under his cloak right away to hide it. Nevertheless, it is noticeable and a bit funny.
Correction: We can only see the sole of his foot, so it's not obvious that he has his hobbit feet on, but they are definitely there. Sean Astin has often talked about getting cut by glass when they filmed this scene, and that getting medical attention was made more difficult because he had his feet on.
Corrected entry: After Frodo and Sam encounter Merry and Pippin in the farmer's crop, they roll down a hill. At the bottom, Pippin almost gets a face full of animal dung, and there is a close up of him close to it and he says 'That was close' so you know it was there. The hobbits get up to gather mushrooms, and the huge pile of dung has disappeared.
Correction: The pile is hidden from view by vegetation when seen from the angle that the next shot uses.
Corrected entry: In the mines of Moria Frodo is stabbed by the cave troll. He falls to the floor and the spear is shown. The camera cuts away and then returns and the spear has gone.
Corrected entry: When Gandalf battles the evil wizard, Gandalf's staff is taken from him and he is therefore defeated. Gandalf is placed atop a large column until rescued by the giant bird. Once united with Frodo again, however, Gandalf's staff is by his side.
Correction: Gandalf doesn't regain his staff, he has two different staffs. The branches on the tip of the first one are almost straight and there's a spot for his pipe to fit. On the second one the branches on the tip are bent to one side. Both can be seen in pre-release pictures.
Corrected entry: When Galadriel pours water from a pitcher into the fountain, three set lights can be seen reflected in the pitcher.
Correction: All you can see in the reflection are three points of light; there's nothing to indicate what type of lights they are. They could easily be lanterns - there are many of them in Lorien.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Boromir is giving sword-fighting lessons to Pippin and Merry, someone throws Aragorn an orange, which he catches in his hand (and subsequently drops), but, considering the direction from which the orange was thrown, none of the other characters can have thrown it.
Corrected entry: When Gimli the Dwarf tries to smash the ring to pieces at the council of Elrond his axe breaks into small pieces instead. In a shot shortly after, when the fellowship is decided, he promises his axe and his company to the fellowship, but this time the axe is completely whole.
Correction: He does not grab his own axe, he grabs the axe of the dwarf next to him.
Corrected entry: When Gimli is going on about finding their way to Mordor through Emin Muil, you can see Sam sleeping in the background with both hands wrapped around his sword. In the next shot when you see Sam, the sword is by his side, and only one hand is even near it.
Correction: This is not a "mistake". Watch Sam exclusively during this scene. At first he is lying quietly against the rock. A moment later, he shifts about briefly to adjust the sword, presumably to get more comfortable. Shortly after that, he lies back again into stillness with the sword in a slightly different position.
Corrected entry: When the Ringwraiths have found the hobbits again at Weathertop, they all draw their swords at the same time and point them at the hobbits. Frodo falls over, and then pulls out the ring, one of the Ringwraiths looks at him and then draws his sword. Didn't they already draw their swords?
Correction: The ringwraith has two swords, a regular one and a Morgul Blade, which he uses to stab Frodo.
Corrected entry: After Frodo pulls the ring off for the last time, he falls off the stone ruins, and lands on his back. He then immediately jumps up, having no reaction to his fall. It seems like after falling a distance of about six feet and landing flat on his back, he'd need a minute to recover from the wind being knocked out of him, or hitting his head. (01:16:55)
Correction: He's a bit hesitant getting up, and panting, plus we've been told many times that Hobbits are sturdy creatures.
Corrected entry: At the end, when Aragorn leans over to kiss Boromir's forehead, watch Boromir. When Aragorn's hair touches his face, Boromir closes his eyes tight.
Corrected entry: When the Fellowship crosses a mountain ridge, just before Frodo falls in the snow and loses the ring, there is an aerial shot - where's Bill, the pony, in that shot?
Corrected entry: As the orcs pursue the fellowship through the large hall in Moria, the camera's position sweeps to the right and we see orcs popping up from the floor in the foreground and giving chase. The view is cut by a pillar, and when it returns those orcs have vanished.
Correction: It's just twisted round his body on its strap as he's running.