Corrected entry: Aragorn has a ring on his right index finger with a marquise shaped stone. When we first see it, as Boromir is teaching Merry and Pip to fight, it is whole. Next as Aragorn prepares to draw his sword on Boromir if he does not return the ring to Frodo, it is broken. After the Fellowship is buried under snow, we see it again and it is whole. Finally we see it as Aragorn lets Frodo go, and it is broken again.
Corrected entry: When Frodo is getting dragged away by the cave troll, he cries out "Aragorn! Aragorn!" but his lips don't move.
Corrected entry: When the Fellowship first sets off they are on top of a mountain and the bird spies are approaching, Boromir says that it can't be a cloud because it's blowing against the wind, when quite clearly his hair is blowing in the same direction as the shape is moving.
Correction: The *prevailing* direction of the wind is from behind Boromir. This does not mean that the wind cannot shift momentarily and blow his hair in a different direction, particularly when he is standing near many large rocks and outcroppings that would cause eddies and swirls in the wind's patterns.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Sam is chasing Frodo into the river, there is a shot of Sam sinking in slow motion. However, you can see that the water surrounding him is murky with sand. That proves that his feet are touching and kicking the bottom.
Correction: Some people have said that as the scene was shot on a dry soundstage it's not a valid mistake, but that doesn't change anything - they should have used clear water when adding the effects later. EXCEPT other people have pointed out that he could easily be kicking the bottom and still drowning - he can't swim, and is loaded with heavy equipment to boot.
Corrected entry: Look closely just after Boromir is shot a third time with an arrow. The Horn of Gondor has split neatly down the middle and the two halves are held together with an inner hinge of duct tape. (02:39:53)
Correction: Absolutely false. The Horn of Gondor is broken in two halves near the end of the horn, where thereĀ“s a wide band of golden metallic ornament. The two halves stay together by this metallic ornament.
Corrected entry: In the fellowship of the ring, when we first meet Legolas he has brown eyes. In the next two films the colour of his eyes alternate between being very dark blue, to icy blue.
Correction: Arwen's eyes change color too, it's an Elvish characteristic.
Corrected entry: When Gandalf first approaches the village on the cart, a water-powered mill can be seen slowly turning in an anti-clockwise direction. The water in the foreground stream appears to be travelling from right to left which would make the mill turn in a clockwise direction. However, in the very next scene (shot looking across the bridge at the same mill) the water is clearly stationary because the leaves on the surface of the stream are not moving. So either the mill is turning the wrong way or it should not be moving at all.
Correction: If you look closely at the mill house, you can see a water sluice over the top of the wheel. It is the water from the sluice which is turning the wheel, not the water in the river. In fact the wheel doesn't even touch the river.
Correction: The ring is never broken - the detail on it can be seen from different angles at times, but it stays in one piece throughout the film and can be seen many times in The Two Towers as well.