Corrected entry: Look at the faces of Boromir, Legolas and Merry after they leave Moria and get outside. They have dirt on their faces in a particular pattern. Then they make their way to Lothlorien and get cleaned up. But in the final scene, the dirt returns in exactly the same places.
Corrected entry: When Saruman uses his magical powers to bring an avalanche down on the group, Legolas is seen standing to the right of Gandalf but when the avalanche starts he is now standing to his left. (01:41:17)
Corrected entry: In Balin's tomb in Moria, Boromir runs to the door and avoids two arrows flying towards him. In the next shot, he runs back into the room a few feet away from the door, but in the next shot, he is back at the door, preparing to slam it shut. (00:27:11)
Correction: He doesn't run any feet into the room. He turns to see Aragorn coming to help him and then they both slam the doors closed.
Corrected entry: Right after Frodo rescues Sam from drowning, in the boat Sam's left ear, camera side, is round and not pointed like it has been in the whole movie. This shot is repeated until the scene is over. (01:27:35)
Correction: It's pointy. You only see it from behind so you don't get a very good look at it, but it is indeed pointy.
Corrected entry: After Boromir has been hit by the third arrow, shots of him alternate several times between showing all three completely parallel with each other and then sticking out from his chest at completely different angles. (02:33:30)
Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, during the Prologue when Cate Blanchett gives a brief history of Middle Earth, near the end of her monologue she says "For none now live who remember", referring to the war of the Last Alliance, this is in contradiction to two major facts of the story. The first being that the elves are immortal, therefore at least some of them would still be present at this time. The second is that Elrond is clearly shown fighting in the battle, and later he vividly recalls to the Fellowship, at the meeting in Rivendell, how he begged Isildur to cast the Ring into the fire of Mount Doom. Proving not only was he present but he can also remember the Last Alliance.
Correction: What Galadriel says is that 'much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it'. She does not say, or mean, that nothing of the Last Alliance can be remembered; she is speaking generally about Middle Earth's history, and saying that of the many races and peoples within it, lots of knowledge has been lost as people have died and taken their memories with them.
Corrected entry: Does it strike anyone else as odd that the members of the Fellowship have to tap at the walls outside Moria (extended DVD) to try to find the gates, when the gates have an enormous great tree at either side of them - the two holly trees which are later ripped up by the Watcher and used, along with stones and other rubble, to block the entrance. In the book they never had any trouble finding the door, only making it appear; the holly trees, which were 'larger than any trees of holly that Frodo had ever seen or imagined,' and stood 'like sentinel pilars at the end of the road,' marked the spot even from quite a distance.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Aragorn exposes the wound in Frodo's shoulder there is no blood on the shirt but when the shot cuts out then back in there is a large bloodstain on the shirt.
Correction: Watch in slow motion - Arwen's gloved hand obscures most of the bloodstain, but it is there.
Corrected entry: This is found on the extended version, the scene where Frodo is offering Galadriel the One Ring, she moves towards him with her right hand extended. After her morphing scene she regains composure and tells Frodo that she, too, is a Ring Bearer and then extends her right hand again - this time showing her ring. Where was the ring when she extended her hand the first time?
Correction: This is true to the book: it is only at the end of their conversation that Frodo is able to see Galadriel's ring, even though she's been wearing it all along. She explains to him that as a Ring-bearer, his sight has 'grown keener'. Even Sam (who is present in this scene in the book) cannot see it, instead saying something about seeing 'a star shining through your finger'.
Corrected entry: When Frodo and Gandalf are discussing the fate of the ring in Bilbo's house, the ring is on the table in front of them. When the camera goes to close ups of the ring it is sometimes to the left of the table and sometimes to the right. Looks like a simple camera reversal.
Correction: These changes represent the different points of view - sometimes we see the ring from Gandalf's POV, sometimes from Frodo's. The items on the table are all in the correct places to support this, and there is often a close-up of the relevant person right before the shot cuts away to the ring.
Corrected entry: When Lurtz is thrown on the ground by Aragorn before shooting Boromir with a point-blank arrow, he holds his bow. Nevertheless, after getting back up in a split second, he holds both his broad-bladed sword and his shield.
Correction: He rolls away when Aragorn tackles him and picks up the sword and shield of a fallen Uruk beside him.
Corrected entry: When Borimir is about to die and Strider is running towards him, one of the supposedly dead Orcs lifts his head to watch Strider run by and then promptly lays his head down again.
Correction: Debatable - looks more like he's just wounded but has no energy to get up and continue the fight.
Corrected entry: When Legolas arrives in Rivendell, you see him dismount his horse and turn to view the area. Right after he jumps off you see he is just behind his horse's front leg. After the shot changes, he is a couple feet forward from his last position.
Corrected entry: When Frodo pulls Sam into the elvish boat after saving him from drowning, you can see Sam's foot for a second, and you see he doesn't have his hobbit feet on. Sam pulls his foot under his cloak right away to hide it. Nevertheless, it is noticeable and a bit funny.
Correction: We can only see the sole of his foot, so it's not obvious that he has his hobbit feet on, but they are definitely there. Sean Astin has often talked about getting cut by glass when they filmed this scene, and that getting medical attention was made more difficult because he had his feet on.
Corrected entry: After Frodo and Sam encounter Merry and Pippin in the farmer's crop, they roll down a hill. At the bottom, Pippin almost gets a face full of animal dung, and there is a close up of him close to it and he says 'That was close' so you know it was there. The hobbits get up to gather mushrooms, and the huge pile of dung has disappeared.
Correction: The pile is hidden from view by vegetation when seen from the angle that the next shot uses.
Corrected entry: In the mines of Moria Frodo is stabbed by the cave troll. He falls to the floor and the spear is shown. The camera cuts away and then returns and the spear has gone.
Corrected entry: When Gandalf battles the evil wizard, Gandalf's staff is taken from him and he is therefore defeated. Gandalf is placed atop a large column until rescued by the giant bird. Once united with Frodo again, however, Gandalf's staff is by his side.
Correction: Gandalf doesn't regain his staff, he has two different staffs. The branches on the tip of the first one are almost straight and there's a spot for his pipe to fit. On the second one the branches on the tip are bent to one side. Both can be seen in pre-release pictures.
Corrected entry: When Galadriel pours water from a pitcher into the fountain, three set lights can be seen reflected in the pitcher.
Correction: All you can see in the reflection are three points of light; there's nothing to indicate what type of lights they are. They could easily be lanterns - there are many of them in Lorien.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Boromir is giving sword-fighting lessons to Pippin and Merry, someone throws Aragorn an orange, which he catches in his hand (and subsequently drops), but, considering the direction from which the orange was thrown, none of the other characters can have thrown it.
Corrected entry: When Gimli the Dwarf tries to smash the ring to pieces at the council of Elrond his axe breaks into small pieces instead. In a shot shortly after, when the fellowship is decided, he promises his axe and his company to the fellowship, but this time the axe is completely whole.
Correction: He does not grab his own axe, he grabs the axe of the dwarf next to him.
Correction: Not true. The dirt is in similar places, but it is definitely different (checked this one carefully.)