Best movie trivia of 1995

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Batman Forever picture

Trivia: The ladies that approach the Batmobile are the group En Vogue.


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More Apollo 13 trivia
Mortal Kombat picture Video

Trivia: The only combatant to get a Flawless Victory was Johnny Cage when he fought Goro. A Flawless Victory is achieved when a combatant takes no damage from their opponent.

More Mortal Kombat trivia
More A Goofy Movie trivia
Toy Story picture Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: The number A113 has appeared in every full length Pixar film. In Toy Story, as well as its sequel, it is the license plate number on Andy's mom's mini-van.


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Friday picture

Trivia: When Craig is talking to his girlfriend on the phone and she asks who he "went to the show with", you can see a guy lying in her bed in a pair of Dicky's pants.

More Friday trivia
Heavyweights picture

Trivia: Both Ben Stiller's parents are in this movie. They are the former owners of the fat camp.

More Heavyweights trivia
Hackers picture

Trivia: Laurence Mason's character Lord Nikon was given the name because of his photographic memory.


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More Casino trivia
Desperado picture

Trivia: Carlos Gallardo, who played El Mariachi in the prequel to Desperado, El Mariachi (1992), was given a minor role in Desperado as Campa, the mariachi with the two machine-gun guitar cases.

More Desperado trivia
Billy Madison picture

Trivia: The picture of Billy that Eric is using to monitor Billy's progress from grade to grade is the same headshot photo that was used in Happy Gilmore for the signboards some people were carrying in the crowds.


More Billy Madison trivia
More Clueless trivia
Now and Then picture

Trivia: The girl that plays Samantha's little sister is Rumor Willis - the daughter of Demi Moore, who plays Older Samantha.

More Now and Then trivia
More Babe trivia
The Usual Suspects picture

Trivia: The personal bios of the characters are handed out in the order that they die in.

More The Usual Suspects trivia
The Langoliers picture

Trivia: In the scene near the end of the movie, there is a board meeting on the tarmac. The Chairman of the Board is Stephen King who is the author of The Langoliers. (02:10:15)

More The Langoliers trivia
Jumanji picture

Trivia: The music playing when Van Pelt enters the store to buy a new rifle and ammo is no less than the Mexican national anthem, and it was- by the way- eliminated from the film soundtrack when this movie played in Mexico. (01:00:25)

More Jumanji trivia
Braveheart picture

Trivia: Perhaps you're wondering what William Wallace shouts after delivering his speech just prior to the Battle of Stirling. It's "Alba gu brath," which means "Scotland forever."

More Braveheart trivia
Mallrats picture

Trivia: Both Brody Bruce and Randall Graves (from Clerks) have a cousin named Walter. In Clerks Randall tells Dante about his cousin Walter breaking his neck trying to suck his own d**k. In Mallrats Brodie starts the movie by telling you a story of how his cousin Walter kept shoving cats up his ass to get a gerbil out of there.


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Die Hard: With a Vengeance picture

Trivia: Someone asked: Has anyone EVER figured out the math to that damn water-in-a-bottle-diffuse-the-bomb riddle? I actually have, in case anyone's wondering about it. If I remember right, they've got a 5, a 3, and they need 4. Fill the five, tip it into the 3, leaving 2. Empty out the three, and put the 2 in it. Then fill the five, and use that jug to fill up the remainder of the 3, which will leave 4 in the 5 gallon jug. Another possible way to do this: You fill up the 3 and tip these three gallons into the 5. Then you fill up the 3 and use this to fill up the 5. This leaves you with one in the 3 and five in the 5. Then you empty the 5 and tip the one from the 3 over, then fill up the 3. Then you've got three in the 3 and one in the 5. After you've tipped over the three this will leave you with four in the 5.

More Die Hard: With a Vengeance trivia

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