Continuity mistake: Parker is walking straight (legs/feet parallel) when he slips on the apple, but the still-frame photo that Adrian has on her laptop screen shows Parker's left foot at about a 45° angle. (00:04:40 - 00:10:20)

Continuity mistake: The car behind Julius is at various distances. It is closer when the camera is on Julius than when it switches (back and forth) to his passenger, Margot. (00:02:39)

Continuity mistake: While Ben is talking to Eloise, his glass of alcohol is about three-fourths full, but when he lifts the drink to his mouth, his glass is almost empty. (00:07:20)

Continuity mistake: Harry sets his pen off the left side of his notepad and has both of his hands to the right of it, but the pen is on top of the notepad when the camera shifts. (00:06:40)

Continuity mistake: The angle of the desk lamp's shade changes as Matt sits on his bed, suddenly angling towards the camera. The shade is back to facing downward but angles outward again a couple of times. (00:05:18 - 00:06:24)

Continuity mistake: In the funeral scene, Bruce Wayne's hair changes lengths.

Continuity mistake: The tattoo artist is almost finished drawing the American flag on the boy's upper right arm. After he wipes it and there's a quick camera shift, the tattoo is less complete - the stripes are bloodier, more jagged, and of unequal width like they were earlier. (00:14:31)

Continuity mistake: In the wide view of "Quick Stop Groceries," there is a yellow pole directly in front of and almost touching the far right side of the van's front bumper, but the pole isn't there in the rear view of the van. (00:01:43)

Continuity mistake: The patch of dirt/mud that Briggs had on the left side of his face near his eye when he woke up tied to a chair in Gus' barn disappeared and reappeared (in a different shape) a few times (e.g, when he knocked over his chair, when he stood up, and when he was inside Gus' house). (00:33:12 - 00:36:08)

Continuity mistake: The striped pillow to the left of the screen (behind Nick's beer) is upright, but lowers in the next view. Nobody is near the pillow to move it or push it down. (00:12:36)

Continuity mistake: The bottle of beer on the bar in front of Everett disappears in one shot but re-appears. Also, depending on the camera's angle, Everett either has his right hand holding onto the edge of the bar or is below the bar (out of sight). (00:04:25 - 00:40:14)

Continuity mistake: Outside the warehouse door/metal gate, Shae's flashlight produces a bright circle of light onto the pavement because it is a dimly-lit area. She uses her flashlight to look under the gate, which is open about 2' at the bottom. After she rolls under the gate, the pavement now behind her is in the sunlight. (00:42:15)

Continuity mistake: Jail cells have a rectangular slot with an outward flat extension for setting down food trays. The guard checks cells after "lights out" and there are no flat extensions for trays. (00:23:50 - 00:24:35)

Continuity mistake: Isaac told Christine he would give Elijah his phone back and grabbed it from her. Isaac had the phone in his right hand when he turned to go out the door. When Isaac came out the front door, he was not holding the phone in his hand and it did not look like the phone was in any of his pockets. Isaac had police equipment around his belt (not the phone). (00:55:25)

Continuity mistake: When Joey is talking to Voight about the puzzle box and Voight tells him to "Keep going," pay attention. It's kind of hard to notice, but if you look closely, in the over-the-shoulder shot facing Joey, you can tell that Voight is standing straight, facing Joey before it cuts. When it cuts to the opposite angle, suddenly Voight's body has rotated about 90° (to his right).

Continuity mistake: The night Krypto loses his powers, he gets a black eye on his left eye. However, the next day, the wound is gone.

Continuity mistake: When Captain Collins sits down at the computer console early in the film, the mouthpiece on her headset constantly changes position.

Continuity mistake: Jenna takes one red cup from the 3 stacked next to the higher stack and returns the two cups to her left (and left of the higher stack). Jenna uses her left hand, supported by her right, to handle the bottle of wine, but the 2 cups disappear after she sets the bottle on the table. (00:19:50 - 00:20:14)

Continuity mistake: The camera active times are not quite synchronized. All three do show "10-24 THU", but "CAM 4" shows "03:37:22:?" AFTER "CAM 36" was at "03:38:06:21." Two+ minutes later, "CAM 9" has a slightly earlier time than was shown about 10 seconds earlier on "CAM 9." (01:01:37)

Continuity mistake: There are two stand-up picture frames on the table. Judy knocks over one picture frame as she walks towards and points mace at Burton. Judy continues holding the mace in her right hand and purse in her left and does not bend over to upright the frame. When Judy leaves, the picture frame is upright and roughly parallel to the other frame. (00:25:45 - 00:27:20)