Corrected entry: When looking at a map, Frank discusses how they will drive up Rt. 476. 476 was not built until the late 1980s.

Corrected entry: In the subway Joker fires more than 6 bullets from his revolver.
Correction: He fires the gun. It then cuts away to show the third Wayne employee running through the train before cutting back to Arthur. He could have at least partially reloaded during that time.
Really? He's breathing heavily, stumbling. I understand that it is technically possible, but they show him getting up, hyperventilating, pointing the gun at the corpses and then at himself, and then picking up in a rush his bag; at no point he is shown collected enough to lead you to believe that he could have looked for the bullets and put them in the revolver.

Corrected entry: Schofield falls into the river and is completely drenched in water, including all of his clothes. But just maybe an hour or so later, he takes out of the letter the General has given him for McKenzie and it's completely dry and readable.
Correction: His tin kept important items, like the letter and photographs, dry.
His tin kept his photos. Schofield put the letter only inside his jacket pocket after taking it from his dead friend.
He first put the letter in his jacket and later moved it to the tin.
At a later point (in the truck ride I believe), it shows him unfolding the letter and placing it in the tin.
He puts it in the tin at some point. If I remember correctly in the truck with the soldiers just after Blake died.
While Sco is in the transport truck, he moves the letter to the tin case with his photos.

Corrected entry: Just after the penthouse shootout, Four checks his ammo and somberly states that only "three bullets" remain in his gun. It is then revealed he has been left behind because the escape zipline has been cut. Shooting resumes and Four is literally running for his life when he fires 4 rounds of ammo. (01:20:49 - 01:21:43)
Correction: There are three bullets left in the clip, one in the chamber.

Corrected entry: When Rey is supposed to be dead (before Ben resurrects her), Daisy Ridley blinks momentarily.
Correction: I just re-watched the scene and she never blinks.

Corrected entry: The breakup of Yugoslavia happened in 1992. First scene of the movie is in Yugoslavia, 1999. The country Yugoslavia no longer existed in 1999.
Correction: Yugoslavia existed in 1999. It was called Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Republic_of_Yugoslavia.

Corrected entry: In the first movie, everyone exits the game the exact moment they entered, because Alex returns to his time, erasing the 20 years he spent in Jumanji. Spencer got in before the others, Bethany and Alex followed after. They shouldn't exit at the same moment in the timeline.
Correction: They all entered on the same day. They all returned to the same day on which they entered.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, Mr. Rogers takes off his sneakers, but he is not shown putting his other shoes back on. However, he is wearing shoes when he walks out of the door.
Correction: He looks down and puts them on without picking them up.

Corrected entry: In the scenes set in June of 1995, "Vers" uses a Windows 95 computer to search the internet via dial-up. Windows 95 wasn't released until August 24, 1995, two months after those scenes were set.
Correction: A beta version of Windows 95 (probably build 347) was released before June, when this takes place. They could be using that. It included MSN, for internet access.
Good guess. That preview version was available for $19.95 in the U.S.
I think that's a reach - especially back then beta versions were much harder to come by - you couldn't just download it, you'd have to apply and receive a CD or floppies. She's in an internet cafe if memory serves, and why would they go to the hassle of installing a beta OS which most people would never have used before, and which would run the risk of having bugs, etc.?
Windows 95 had one of the most expensive advertisements and launch programs to this date. (Second to Windows 8's.) Microsoft had special personnel known as Evangelists who went to potential customers encouraging them to test Windows 95 and give feedback. They didn't send the 3.5" diskettes with post; the Evangelists delivered them personally. Microsoft didn't become a software giant by sitting on its behind, waiting for customers.
Correction: The month is never specified in the film.
True Lies was released on home video on July 15th - any cardboard standee in a Blockbuster would be for an upcoming or very recent release. By late August something else would have replaced it.
Not if it was a popular rental, then they would keep promoting it.
When they're looking at the black box recording, there's a calendar on the wall that reads June.
Correction: The recycle bin icon on the desktop is an oval shape which was first introduced in Windows ME, which wasn't released until 14th September 2000.
The corrected entry mentions a scene searching the internet via dial-up; the computer in that scene has indeed Windows 95 with a square-shaped bin. Since then this entry has kinda been more about the plausibility of Windows 95 in a public internet cafe in June than anything else. There's a separate entry about the scene when they use a totally different computer, the one at her friend's house, which has the bin you mention and is a ME edition.
It's not, it's the rectangular bin.

Corrected entry: When Thanos is struck by Mjolnir thrown by Captain America for the first time, he is holding Stormbreaker in his hands and trying to kill Thor. In the next shot with Thor and Thanos before Mjolnir returns to Captain America, Thanos is holding his sword. (02:13:00)
Correction: Stormbreaker is knocked from his hand. He could have easily picked up his sword instead.
His sword would have to be right next to where Stormbreaker falls to achieve that, but as Thor is thrown around several meters after he disarms Thanos I don't see how the sword could be in the same spot they are.
Actually it seems that Thanos can summon his sword, just like Thor can summon Stormbreaker. You can see it in 02:22:34, just before Ebony Maw notices Hawkeye with the gauntlet.
Follow the action, he throws Thor in the same vicinity.
Agreed about the proximity. Thor gets thrown around a few times before he summons Stormbreaker. In retrospect, though, Cap's lucky that when he hit Thanos in the back he dropped the axe to the side instead of forward, which would have pushed the axe more into Thor's chest.
Thanos' sword was thrown several meters away by Thor, hooked to Stormbringer. There is simply no time for Thanos to have moved to recover the sword and come right back to standing over Thor as shown.

Corrected entry: Being an accomplished mystery writer and assuming that he had been injected with 100 mg of morphine, Harlan should have realised that his suicide would have been suspicious once they did the toxicology analysis.
Correction: Harlan was doing the best he could on extremely short notice.
Correction: If he died of an overdose then they would definitely do a toxicology report. He hoped that with an obvious alternative (suicide) they would not do one. Even with a lethal dose of morphine in his system, Marta would potentially be accused of malpractice, but she would not be directly responsible for his death and would (again, hopefully) be able to keep the inheritance.
He might have realised that once the family found out that he left everything to Marta, they would insist on an autopsy. Once they found the overdose, she would have been suspected of foul play.
Perhaps, but if he did not kill himself, it would be a certainty. He was trying to get the best outcome from a terrible scenario. Either way, it's not a plot hole.

Corrected entry: If Sarah's Skynet future never happened and instead Grace's Legion future came to be, nobody could possibly know the coordinates of the T-800 to tattoo onto Grace, as it never existed in the Legion future. If Sarah's Skynet future never happened and instead Grace's Legion future came to be, nobody could possibly know the coordinates of the T-800 to tattoo onto Grace as it never existed in the Legion future.
Correction: The T-800 is from a deleted timeline, however he is still in the current timeline. If the Legion future exists in the timeline he's currently stuck in, that means he's in that timeline and would have taken steps to have his coordinates known for that future.

Corrected entry: The landscape bonsai is a very heavy rock. When the apartment floods the rock floats to the surface. (01:37:25)
Correction: You missed the point of the scene. The rock floating implies it's a fake reproduction. It was never real. It's kind of a microcosm of the whole story. It's supposed to bring good luck and wealth, but it's hollow and fake. Just as the Kim family's attempts to move upward and find wealth via the Park family ends up backfiring and meaning nothing in the end because it all goes to hell. (SPOILERS: The fact it's a fake also helps explain why it doesn't kill Ki-Woo when he's beaten over the head with it).
Oh. OK. But then why when it is originally found it is at the bottom of the water and not floating? At least that is what I remember. I could be wrong.
Simple answer: It's much more cinematic for it to be underwater and then rise to the top, revealing it in a dramatic way. It gives the reveal of it being a fake more impact. If he just randomly saw it floating, the moment wouldn't work as well. (But I'm sure you could also make an argument that it's being pushed around by all the debris floating around, the current in the water, etc. and it got pulled under for a few seconds).
I agree with you, but up to a point. I was referring to the fact that when he first got the rock he got it from the water and he got it from the bottom. Or am I remembering it wrong?
The mistake is 'deliberate' by account, because, quoting a page that is based on what the actor playing the son says; "In the script, the rock didn't originally float," Choi recalls. "But when we were shooting, director Bong was like, 'You know, I think it would be better if the stone floats up through the water.' I remember thinking, 'Whoa. What?' ", On the other hand, I wouldn't really extend this alleged bit of symbolism in one shot, to infer properties of the rock on other than that single scene; the rock has always been presented and described as heavy, and not the foam prop that it is, and if it were hollow the characters would have noticed and made it apparent earlier. Not even the director and commentators of this particular bit support this. As you say later in the discussion, it's just "more cinematic" to do so but it I don't believe there is reason to paint it as a reveal. Therefore I'd say this should not be corrected but rather changed as 'Deliberate mistake".
I'll agree with this. Thanks, Sammo.

Corrected entry: Forty years after Delbert Grady manipulated Jack Torrance into attempting to kill Danny and Wendy, Danny brings Abra to the abandoned Overlook Hotel for the final battle against evil Rose the Hat. Danny returns to his parents' old room and looks inside the bathroom. In "The Shining", the bathroom window was left open after Wendy and Danny escaped. Yet in this film the window is closed. This doesn't make sense because everything else in the Overlook Hotel is the same as it was in 1980.
Correction: It's not really a continuity error. Danny says that after the events in 'The Shining'... "They shut the place down and left it to rot." Given that Danny had to use a crowbar to open the doors (which were also left open by Wendy as she was the last person to use them) it's safe to assume that shortly after the events of 'The Shining', someone visited the Overlook to collect Hallorann's body and lock the place up.

Corrected entry: Admiral Yamamoto and Nagumo are in the back of the car about 30 minutes into the movie. As the camera pans outside, you can see the car is driving on the right side of the road. Japan drives on the left. (00:28:00)
Correction: You only see the car park on the right side of the road, it came from the left side of the road. A car behind this one is driving on the left.

Corrected entry: In the labs, the Beast is looking at colour LCD monitors, they weren't available in 1992.
Correction: They weren't available in the real world in 1992. This is science fiction though, and there are mutants both in the films and the comics they are based on that are extremely intelligent and innovative. The character Forge for example, who does not appear in the films but may exist offscreen, has the mutant ability to basically invent anything. Beast is also intelligent enough to invent LCD screens a lot sooner than we had them. He did create Cerebro in the early 1960's after all, which is a piece of technology that we in the real world to this day do not possess.
Next to that the first LCD screens came at the end of the 80's though in low quality and small. By 1992 they were very expensive but a lot better. The actual invention of the LCD technology was as far back as the 1960's.
Agreed that the Beast had the smarts to develop LCD screens but the story should be based on reality. For example if the Beast had pulled out an iPhone, it wouldn't fit the narrative, but the Beast would easily be able to construct such a device should he wish to.
Why should the story be based on reality? The movie doesn't take place in the real world. Should the president in the movie be George Bush since that would have reflected reality? The LCD monitors serve a purpose for the scene. While it technically wouldn't have been a mistake for Beast to have in invented one, an iPhone wouldn't serve any purpose for any of the scenes in the movie.

Corrected entry: Spider-Man and Mysterio fight the Fire Elemental. After his destruction, Peter runs to Mysterio and picks him up. How did he do that if Mysterio's hologram was fighting the Elemental? (00:58:18)

Corrected entry: When Woody is talking to Forky on the road, Forky's arms move up and down his body between shots, by his head, then halfway down his body, then back by his head.
Correction: It's supposed to do that because they keep falling down as he walks and they mention that.

Corrected entry: Shelby takes Ford for a hair raising test spin. However, he does so in a $9M sports car that is designed for absolute aerodynamics and weight management. Doesn't it seem strange that it has two seats?
Correction: The prototype did have 2 seats.

Corrected entry: Max (the white and brown dog) has a brown spot on his eye that keeps switching sides throughout the entire movie.
Correction: No error with the spot on his eye at all.
Correction: Partly wrong. Bill Buffalino's daughter was married in 1975. Frank was shown plotting a travel course from Philadelphia to Detroit. He mentions traveling "476 out of Philly." Route 476 has never touched Philadelphia, ever. Route 476 did exist in the early to mid-70s as a local 2+2 divided highway that connected the Schuylkill Expressway in Montgomery County to the PA Turnpike (Rt 276 East-West.) Route 476 going from Chester/I-95 to the Turnpike didn't exist until the Mid-County Expressway was opened in 1992 and the part that went to Pittston wasn't officially designated I-476 until 1996 (previously Route 9/Northeast Extension).