Carol Aird: Harge, I want you to be happy. I didn't give you that. I failed you. We both could have given more, but... we gave each other Rindy. And that is the most breathtaking, the most generous, of gifts.

Brad Whitaker: You built all this today? With my tools?
Dusty Mayron: Oh, no, you can't build a treehouse with a tampon, Brad.

Agent Katherine Cowles: Dr. Clancy, before we go upstairs, with all due respect, I don't hold an ounce of confidence in the paranormal in general. I think it's a sham. I hope that's okay.
John Clancy: No problem at all. I feel the same about shrinks. After only one thing, your money. They'll take your whole hand.
Agent Katherine Cowles: Whoever said that has obviously never met a good one.
John Clancy: It was Sigmund Freud.

Owens: I took you off the street. Taught you my trade. I taught you my passion. Three generations of skills. And in spite of all my earnest efforts, in spite of all my hard work, you turned into a good person.

Lt. General Frank Benson: Never tell a soldier that he does not know the cost of war.

Kyle Wincott: Nose of a dog, the heart of a marine, sounds like a hero to me.

Bartok: There will be times where we are powerless to injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.

Sue Storm: Music is just a series of altered patterns. The musician creates the pattern and makes us anticipate a resolution... then holds back. Makes you wait for it. There's patterns in everything and everyone.

Mortdecai: Your mother and father only met once, and money changed hands. Probably less than a 20, and they say she was dressed as a man at the time.

Phil: Man loses his wife, he's a widower. Child loses a parent, they're an orphan. But losing a child... there is no word for this. And it shouldn't be.

Hank: I'm asking you to stand up, to make a decision, to change, to forgive, and to be forgiven.

Champ: Y'know how they say teenagers have no fear of death? That they're never gonna get hurt? Well not me, OK? I was born with the gift of fear.

Scott Lang: Pick on someone your own size.

Edith Cushing: You're monsters. Both of you.
Lucille Sharpe: Funny. That's the last thing Mother said, too.

Peeta Mellark: Your favorite color is green. Real or not real?
Katniss Everdeen: Real. Your favorite color is orange; Not a bright orange, but a soft orange, like the sunset.
Peeta Mellark: Thank you.

Martha McKay: How did you do that?
Mr. Right: Some people waste time with the fighting. I just skip to the winning.