Sue Storm: Music is just a series of altered patterns. The musician creates the pattern and makes us anticipate a resolution... then holds back. Makes you wait for it. There's patterns in everything and everyone.
Reed Richards: Does it hurt?
Ben Grimm: I'm used to it.
Reed Richards: I'm sorry.
Ben Grimm: That's what you said when you left.
Reed Richards: I'm going to fix this.
Ben Grimm: You can't fix this. Nobody can.
Reed Richards: I promise you. I'm going to fix this.
Ben Grimm: I stopped believing in your bullshit a long time ago.
Reed Richards: You were my best friend.
Ben Grimm: Look at me. I'm not your friend. You turned me into something else.
Johnny Storm: I need a heat-resistant workshop, and a big-ass sunroof.
Dr. Franklin Storm: All I want to know is: where are my children?
Dr. Franklin Storm: Victor, stop! We are not gods, just people. And we are stronger together than we are apart.
Sue Storm: You want to be famous?
Reed Richards: I just want my work to make a difference.
Sue Storm: We can't beat him. He's stronger than any of us.
Reed Richards: Yeah, he is. But he's not stronger than all of us.
Victor Domashev: The end of your world... is the beginning of mine.
Victor Domashev: You've opened a door you don't know how to close. You don't know anything about what's coming.
Reed Richards: What is coming?
Victor Domashev: Doom.
Harvey Elder: Dr Storm, we gave you six years and billions of dollars, and you gave us nothing. What's different, now?
Dr. Franklin Storm: Reed Richards. He knows answers to questions we don't even know to ask.
Reed Richards: Victor, don't do this.
Victor Domashev: There is no Victor... there is only Doom.
Answer: It is believed that the heat from the radiation caused Reed to start "melting", which is how he got his rubber powers. It is unknown why Sue got invisibility.