Evelyn Greenslade: I don't know why I tell you anything.
Muriel Donnelly: Because I'm older and wiser.
Evelyn Greenslade: Nineteen days older.
Muriel Donnelly: That's the entire lifespan of a wasp.

Kevin Griswold: There was a hole in the side of my stall.
Rusty Griswold: Sounds like you found yourself a glory hole.

Harry Hawkes: Honesty is the greatest fidelity.
Paul De Smedt: Yeah, well, the world is not ready for your honesty.

Jim White: So, do you guys get paid by the hour?
David Diaz: No, the field.

Matthew: The cross is bloodstained. It loves. It forgives. It demands.

Scott Fischer: Sit down man, acclimatize.

Danny Collins: Hank, I haven't written a song in thirty years. thirty years. I'm a fucking joke.

Doug Harris: What exactly do you do?
Jimmy: I provide best man services for guys who lack in such areas.
Doug Harris: So, I'm not alone?
Jimmy: Alone? No! I run a very profitable business because of guys like you! How many weddings were in the US last year?
Doug Harris: 2.4 million.
Jimmy: That means 2.4 million grooms! You think each and everyone of them has someone as their best man?

Andrew McDonnell: Lady, that's not yours to ruin.

News Reporter: Officer Cooper stands at four feet, 11 inches.
Cooper: Oh, come on.
News Reporter: The other suspect, a 45-year-old Latino woman.
Daniella Riva: 45? My madre.
News Reporter: Officer Cooper is four feet, nine inches.
Cooper: I am five-foot, two.
News Reporter: Traveling with a 50-year-old suspect.

Mike Pancake: I lost my virginity! Twice.

Adam Jr.: I'm a god. I'm a fuckin' god.