Gary King: Why don't you just get back in your rocket, and fuck off back to Legoland, you cunts!
Jordan Belfort: I fucked her brains out... For eleven seconds.
Freddie Shapp: You're on the 2 AM to 5 AM slot.
Ron Burgundy: What? That's the graveyard shift!
Brick Tamland: I ain't afraid of no ghost!
Jonah Hill: Dear God, it's me, Jonah Hill... From Moneyball.
Stig: Just because you put your finger in your belly button and brown shit comes out don't mean it's your asshole.
Olaf: I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my legs!
Kristoff: Those are my legs.
Walter Mitty: To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.
Mindy Macready: You don't have to be a bad-ass to be a superhero. You just have to be brave.
Styist: OK, what are we doing today?
David Clark: Yeah. I say, give me somethin' that says "I get up every morning at 5:30 and commute for an hour and a half to some bullshit job where my jag-off boss expects me to kiss his balls all day just so I can afford to keep my ungrateful, screaming kids decked out in Dora the Explorer shit, and my wife up to her fat ass in self-help videos, until the day I get up the courage to put a shotgun in my mouth."
Middle Aged Man: [Pointing to himself.] Right here.
David Clark: Yeah. That's it. That's the one.
Nick Campbell: For whatever it's worth, your imagination is so wild, reality's gonna be a breeze, if not a letdown.
Nora: You miss a boyfriend. You miss your zombie boyfriend?
Mary: I'm going to go into the bedroom and put on my new pyjamas, and in a minute you can come in and take them off.