Best movie quotes of 2012

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Movie Quote Quiz
House at the End of the Street picture

Sarah: I just have one rule that I need you to respect. I do not want the two of you to be alone in your house or this house if I am not here.
Elissa: You are never here.

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More Ruby Sparks quotes
Beasts of the Southern Wild picture

Hushpuppy: Strong animals know when your hearts are weak, and that makes 'em hungry. And they start comin'.

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Zero Dark Thirty picture

Dan: Can I be honest with you? I am bad fucking news. I'm not your friend. I'm not gonna help you. I'm gonna break you. Any questions?

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The Cold Light of Day picture

Jean Carrack: You're scared, and scared people holding guns in my face... That scares me.

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Hitchcock picture

Alfred Hitchcock: I will never find a Hitchcock blonde as beautiful as you.
Alma Reville: Oh, Hitch. I've waited thirty years to hear you say that.
Alfred Hitchcock: That, my dear, is why they call me the Master of Suspense.

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Sightseers picture

Chris: If the caravan's rockin', don't come a-knockin'.

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Stolen picture

Fletcher: How ya doin', Will? Hope you got raped every day.

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Snow White and the Huntsman picture

Queen Ravenna: I was ruined by a king like you once. I replaced his queen. An old woman. And in time I too would have been replaced. Men use women. They ruin us and when they are finished with us they toss us to the dogs like scraps.

More Snow White and the Huntsman quotes

41 (2012)

41 picture

Aidan: We've all been dead a lot longer than we've been alive.

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Mud (2012)

Mud picture

Mud: I like you two boys. You remind me of... me.

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Savages picture

Chon: You're already dead. You're dead from the moment you're born. If you can accept that, you can accept anything.

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Love Never Dies picture

Meg Giry: It isn't fair.
Madame Giry: We need to think.
Christine Daaé: I need some air.
Raoul: I need a drink.

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Robot & Frank picture

Frank: Why are you wearing a space helmet?
Robot: Frank, we need to leave.

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More Skyfall quotes
Liberal Arts picture

Zibby: How can you hate something if you've never read it? I mean, isn't that like what repressive regimes do? You want to burn books you don't like?

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More Arbitrage quotes
John Dies at the End picture

Dave: I was adopted. I never knew my real dad. You could be my dad for all I know. Are you my dad?

More John Dies at the End quotes
Hit and Run picture

Clint Perrkins: Hey, give me that shovel. Boy, you look like a monkey fucking a football.

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