Agent Zoil: Motherfucking, titty-sucking two-balled bitch!

Jerry: You bit off more then you can chew.
Ed: It's too late, man. I told people what you are. You've been made.
Jerry: And you think anyone's actually going to believe you?
Ed: No, No. Don't play that crap. Don't play that mind shit with me. I'm serious. Try me.
Jerry: Okay. You said you're glad you're different.
Ed: Get back!
Jerry: How can you be in a place like this? These people. Even your best friend did nothing to help.
Ed: No.
Jerry: You were born for this and you know it. It's a gift.
[Jerry bites Ed.]

Puss in Boots: Fear me, if you dare!

Katherine: I'm just happy to hear that his thing-a-ding can still ring-a-ding.

Grace: I finally meet a guy who likes me for me. And I'm not even me.

Pest: Does that look like a dog? No, it isn't a dog!

Finn McMissile: My apologies, I haven't properly introduced myself. Finn McMissile, British intelligence.
Mater: Tow Mater, average intelligence.

Benjamin Mee: You seem really calm.
Peter MacCready: Ah.
Benjamin Mee: Have you been drinking?
Peter MacCready: All night long.
Benjamin Mee: Thanks for that.
Peter MacCready: Anytime.

Mrs. Watson: Life is like a disco, no matter how the music changes, you just keep on dancing.

Mr. Gilbert: This isn't The Dead Poets Society, and I am not that bloke on BBC 2 who keeps getting kids to sing in choirs. I especially don't want to hear how well you are settling down at uni or how much growing up you have done in the past 12 months. At best I am ambivalent towards most of you, but some of you I actively dislike, for no other reason than your poor personal hygiene or your irritating personalities. I hope I have made myself clear on this point, and in case any of you think I am joking, I am not. I assure you, once my legal obligation to look after you best interests is removed, I can be one truly nasty fucker. Good luck with the rest of your lives, and try not to kill anyone, it reflects very badly on all of us here.

Susan Warner: I feel like I'm your Deep Throat. Have you seen that movie?
Ronny Valentine: All the President's Men?
Susan Warner: No, Deep Throat.

Griffin Keyes: How long have you been able to talk?
Donald the Monkey: Let's see, today's Tuesday so... Always.

Sergeant Gerry Boyle: Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, these men are armed and dangerous, and you being an FBI agent you're more used to shooting at unarmed women and children...
FBI agent Wendell Everett: Oh, fuck you, Sergeant!

Po: Ah. My old enemy... Stairs.