Paul Hodges: Why did you smack me?
Jimmy Monroe: I was in the moment, and the moment said smack ya.
Spencer Aimes: We've been married for three years and we've never been more than five minutes away from your parents. They're always coming over and your dad's all... all... Well, uh, this is how the Kornfeldt's load the dishwasher. And, mow the lawn clockwise 'cause that's the Kornfeldt way. Take this piece of coal, stick it up your kiester, squeeze it real tight like we do, and you'll and make a Kornfeldt diamond.
Diggs: You wanna bite something pal? Bite this.
Claire Foster: Honey, If I'm gonna get whacked off, I...
[Phil laughs.]
Claire Foster: What are you smiling about?
Phil Foster: No, no, we might get bumped off. We're not going to get whacked off.
Claire Foster: I think we are!
Kara: It's so beautiful here. Not like that other city where Grumpy Ass lives.
Clark Kent: Grumpy Ass isn't so bad once you get to know him.
Edgar Frog: Death to all vampires?
Alan Frog: Maximum body count.
Edgar Frog: We are awesome monster bashers.
Alan Frog: The meanest.
Edgar Frog: The baddest.
David Dutton: Don't ask me why I can't leave without my wife and I won't ask you why you can.