Alice: Hey, boys. Is that any way to treat a lady?
Chris Redfield: Behind those doors is a UPV. Urban Pacification Vehicle. Prison kept it in case of a serious riot. 16 wheeler, steel plated, water cannon, seats 20. 10 tons of fun. Roll on out in style, drive right over them.
Luther West: We're going to need some more firepower.
Chris Redfield: I got you covered. When I was stationed here, we used a room in the basement as an armory. It's got every weapon you can dream of.
Angel Ortiz: How do you know your unit didn't take 'em with them when they pulled out?
Chris Redfield: Because by the end, there were a lot more guns than there were people to use them.
Albert Wesker: Well isn't this one big family reunion. Chris and Claire Redfield... You've really become quite an inconvenience for me.
Alice: I told you I'd be bringing a few friends.
Albert Wesker: You should've brought more.
Alice: Day 6,1800 hours, Los Angeles. No signs of life, not even the undead. They must have burned with the city. But what about the rest?
Albert Wesker: I'm what you used to be... Only better.
Answer: Wesker needed to consume fresh DNA to help control the T-virus. He was eating people who had been captured. This scared the crew enough to abandon ship.