Best drama movie quotes of 2009

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Movie Quote Quiz
Mulan: Rise of a Warrior picture

Hua Mulan: I don't want to fight any more. I don't want to be a General. I want to be a normal person.
Wentai: Who wants to fight? I also don't want to fight any more! If I could use my life to stop this battle, I would have done it a long time ago! The problem is, we cannot choose. Once you put on a General's armour, your life is no longer your own.

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Perrier's Bounty picture

Michael McCrea: You off the drink?
Jim McCrea: Just have a yen for some java, man.

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The Last House on the Left picture

Krug: Do you want to hear what I did to Mari? I bet you do. Pervert. You want to hear how tight your little homecoming queen was?
John Collingwood: No. I want to hear you beg for your fucking life.

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Broken Embraces picture

Diego: When you were waiting at the roundabout, for a car to pass on your left, Lena and you kissed.
Mateo Blanco: We kissed? I don't remember that.
Diego: It's a normal kiss, the kind couples give each other out of habit.
Mateo Blanco: The last kiss.
Diego: Yes. Lena didn't die in your arms, like you'd dreamed, but the last sensation she took from this world was your mouth.

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Funny People picture

Dr. Lars: It's too early to know who's winning the fight: the medicine or the disease.
George Simmons: Did anybody ever tell you, you have a very scary accent?
Dr. Lars: You are a very funny man. I enjoy your movies.
George Simmons: And I enjoy all of your movies.
Dr. Lars: Which movies?
George Simmons: The ones where you try to kill Bruce Willis.

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The International picture

Louis Salinger: Sometimes you find your destiny on the road you took to avoid it.

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Shrink picture

Henry Carter: It's never going to go away, is it?
Jemma: No. But we're still here. That's something.

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Whip It picture

Oliver: Wow, from here it kinda looks like you're wearing a stryper T-shirt.
Bliss Cavendar: Stryper? Yeah, 80's christian heavy metal. I mean in the name of jesus we rock.

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Imagine That picture

Tod: Mr. E, I talked to the lawyer guy upstairs and he confirmed my hunch, uh, about the whole stabbing of Mr. Whitefeather thing. It's a definite no can do from a legal standpoint.

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Crossing Over picture

Max Brogan: I've never been invited to a shunning before. What is this? Something you guys brought over with you?
Zahra Baraheri: I didn't bring it, I was born here. I'm the only one in this family who's an actual American.

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Looking for Eric picture

Eric: I am not a man... I am Cantona.

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Away We Go picture

Grace: So, you want to get a drink here or go out? Do you need to eat?
Burt Farlander: Oh, we don't want to go out there. Not right now. No, it's like an oven.
Grace: Yeah, it's pretty hot.
Burt Farlander: No, no, I mean literally, like an oven. Like if you were in an oven, that's what it would be like. It's almost like God's trying to melt us all down and make something better.
Grace: Wow, Burt, that's so stoney.
Burt Farlander: Well, it's just the Bible.

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Dorian Gray picture

Lord Henry Wotton: What are you?
Dorian Gray: I am what you made me! I lived the life that you preached... but never dared practice. I am everything, that you were too afraid to be.

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Paper Heart picture

Seth Rogen: Your love glass is half full.

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Bandslam picture

Charlotte Banksasks: Hi, I'm Charlotte. Nice to meet you.
Sa5m: I've known you since 5th grade.
Charlotte Banksasks: ...Hmm.

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The Messenger picture

Captain Tony Stone: Civilian life's for people who ain't seen shit. It's too late for you, you've already seen the shit, you can't unsee it anymore. You can't be an insurance salesman now, brother, it's too fukin' late.

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Book of Blood picture

Simon McNeal: There is something going on in this house, all right? The first time upstairs, yeah, I faked it. But the second time, that was real. That was something way beyond a few pieces of charcoal. Something way beyond what a guy in a lab coat will ever tell you.
Mary Florescu: I thought you were smarter than this, Simon. I thought, for a moment, you were for real.

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Creation picture

Emma Darwin: Do you not care that you and I may be separated for all eternity?

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