Best drama movie quotes of 2009

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Bandslam picture

Will Burton: So, how big is this whole bandslam thing around here?
Sa5m: Texas high school football big.

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Observe and Report picture

Ronnie Barnhardt: The world has no use for another scared man. Right now, the world needs a fucking hero.

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More The Messenger quotes
Perrier's Bounty picture

Michael McCrea: You off the drink?
Jim McCrea: Just have a yen for some java, man.

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The Girlfriend Experience picture

Chelsea: Sometimes clients think they want the real you, but at the end of the day, they say they don't. They want what... they want what you want to be. They want you to be something else. They don't want you to be yourself.
Interviewer: Suppose I'm that rare client that really wants to.
Chelsea: If they wanted you to be yourself, they wouldn't be paying you.

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The White Ribbon picture

Martin: I gave God a chance to kill me. He didn't do it, so he's pleased with me.

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The Last House on the Left picture

Paige: You know what Mari? I think Justin here could be kind of cute if he lost his whole like creepy, hooded Unabomber kind of vibe he's got going on. Don't you think?

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Broken Embraces picture

Diego: When you were waiting at the roundabout, for a car to pass on your left, Lena and you kissed.
Mateo Blanco: We kissed? I don't remember that.
Diego: It's a normal kiss, the kind couples give each other out of habit.
Mateo Blanco: The last kiss.
Diego: Yes. Lena didn't die in your arms, like you'd dreamed, but the last sensation she took from this world was your mouth.

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Mother and Child picture

Violet: A person inside another person - science fiction. She doesn't know a thing.
Elizabeth: Who?
Violet: Your baby. Only her mother's heartbeat.

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Away We Go picture

Beckett: Babies like to breathe, and they're good at hiding it. I put a pillow over a baby. I thought she wasn't breathing, but she was. She was sneaky, but I'll try again.

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Shrink picture

Henry Carter: It's never going to go away, is it?
Jemma: No. But we're still here. That's something.

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