An Education
Movie Quote Quiz

Headmistress: Nobody does anything worth doing without a degree.
Jenny: Nobody does anything worth doing WITH a degree. No woman anyway.
Headmistress: So what I do isn't worth doing? Or what Miss Stubbs does, or Mrs. Wilson, or any of us here? Because none of us would be here without a degree. You do realize that, don't you? And yes, of course studying is hard and boring...
Jenny: Boring?
Headmistress: I'm sorry?
Jenny: Studying is hard and boring. Teaching is hard and boring. So, what you're telling me is to be bored, and then bored, and finally bored again, but this time for the rest of my life? This whole stupid country is bored! There's no life in it, or color, or fun! It's probably just as well the Russians are going to drop a nuclear bomb on us any day now. So my choice is to do something hard and boring, or to marry my... Jew, and go to Paris and Rome and listen to jazz, and read, and eat good food in nice restaurants, and have fun! It's not enough to educate us anymore Ms. Walters. You've got to tell us why you're doing it.

Jack: Knowing a famous author is better than becoming one. It shows you're connected.

Jenny: If you never do anything, you never become anyone.

Jenny: I don't want to lose my virginity to a piece of fruit.

David: Do you go to concerts?
Jenny: No. We don't believe in concerts.
David: Oh, I assure you, they're real.

Miss Stubbs: You seem to be old and wise.
Jenny: I feel old. But not very wise.

Factual error: Jenny would not have received a letter telling her she had been successful in applying to Oxford University as shown at the end of the film. As an undergraduate she would have received a letter from one of the Oxford colleges to which she had applied informing her she had been accepted to that college.

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