Blanche Gunderson: And that's okay? It's okay to pull the rug out from under folks as long as it's nobody that you know? It's okay because we're just silly podunk Minnesotans, right? We talk funny and we ice-fish and we scrapbook and we drag Jesus into regular conversation. We're not cool like you, right? So we don't matter.

Phillip Morris: Enough romance. Let's fuck.

Cleon Salmon: Who is Guy... Meatdrapes? What kind of name is that?
Guy: It's, um, it's Metdrapedes, sir. It's Greek.
Cleon Salmon: I think you're pronouncing it wrong. This says Meatdrapes.
Guy: It's actually pronounced Metdrapedes.
Cleon Salmon: Well, why doesn't it sound like that when I say it? Meatdrapes.

Vince Rizzo: Did you sleep outside last night?
Vince Jr.: No, no, no. I did heroin with a bunch of prostitutes at the Plaza Hotel. I'm thinking of becoming a pimp.
Vince Rizzo: Good. I'll see you later.

Emma Wheeler: Here you go. Sunny-side eggs, sausage with bacon, home fries, homemade biscuits and country gravy. Can I get you anything else?
Paul Morgan: No, thanks. Just an angiogram.

Irv: I'm not a god. That's just a rumor my mother started.

Will Burton: So, how big is this whole bandslam thing around here?
Sa5m: Texas high school football big.

Rose: It's like everywhere you go, there's that smell.
Victor Maynard: What smell?
Rose: Cleanliness. Bleach. It's like being in a hospital. It's so safe, it's dangerous. I can't breathe here. I mean it, I'm frightened. I'm frightened if I stay here much longer, I'll end up like you. Afraid of everything.