Artie: Did you say you were looking for Arthur?
Puss in Boots: That information is on a need to know basis.
Donkey: It's top secret. Hushity-hush.
Mabel: What do you want, Charming?
Prince Charming: Oh, not much. Just a chance at redemption... and a fuzzy navel.
Prince Charming: I am the rightful King of Far Far Away.
Lancelot: King? More like mayor of Loserville.
Sleeping Beauty: Everything always about you, it's not like your additude is helping Snow.
Snow White: Well maybe it just bothers you that I was voted fairest in the land.
Headless Horseman: I've always wanted to play the flute.
Shrek: Break a leg. On second thought, let me break it for you.
Artie: If there's something you want to do, or someone you really want to be, then the only one standing in your way... is you.
Rumplestiltskin: Me?
Guard #1: Get him, lads.
Shrek: That's right, I'm the new mascot. So let's really try and beat the other guys at whatever it is they are doing.
Snow White: I'm sorry but this isn't working for me.
Sleeping Beauty: It's not like your attitude is helping, Snow.
Snow White: You're just jealous that I was voted fairest in the land.
Rapunzel: Oh, you mean in that rigged election?
Snow White: You're one to talk. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down thy golden extensions."
Shrek: If Artie trusts him, I trust him, even if his cloak doesn't completely cover his.
Shrek: Fiona, try to be reasonable. Have you seen a baby lately? All they do is eat and poop, and then they cry, and they cry when they poop, and poop when they cry. Now imagine an ogre baby. They extra cry, and they extra poop.
Puss in Boots: How can you be a reciever of the wedgies, when you are not a wearer of the underpants?
Donkey: Let's just say some things are better left unsaid.
Girl: I'd rather get the black plague and lock myself in an iron maiden than go out with him.
Merlin: Can I interest anyone in a snack or beverage?
Shrek: Good morning.
Princess Fiona: Good morning. Ooh, morning breath.
Shrek: Yeah. Isn't it wonderful?
Sleeping Beauty: Who dat?
Answer: Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia.