Dahlia Gillespie: Why didn't she take me? Like the others?
Rose Da Silva: Because you're her mother. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.

Lena Brandt: An affair has more rules than a marriage.

Steve Ames: Stay here.
Cynthia Smith: Yeah right! Eat me, said the cake to Alice.

Tom Dobbs: If Mama Cass had shared a lunch with Karen Carpenter, both would still be alive today... What do I think of gay marriage? I believe gays have every right to be just as miserable as the rest of us.

Bill Cox: You designed the software, you find me a way in.
Jack Stanfield: I wouldn't know where to start.

Ms. Barbara MacHenry: Didn't I see Clair earlier?
Kelli Presely: Isn't she upstairs writing a card to her sister?
Melissa Kitt: No, I think her sister picked her up earlier. Remember, this is the occasion for Clair and her sister and her mom to bury the hatchet and rediscover each other.
Dana Mathis: I'd like to bury the hatchet with my sister... right in her head.

Rachel Stein aka Ellis de Vries: I never knew this would happen. To fear the liberation.

Matt Saunders: Hannah.
Vaughn Haige: Oh, man, I think she's dead. Time to start the grieving process.

Billy: Dating's complicated in England.
Steve: English birds ain't complicated. You buy 'em a Bacardi Breezer and they'll ride you like Sea Biscuit.

William Montrose: Cincinnat's next move is T.B.D.
Secret Service Agent: What's the "B" stand for?
William Montrose: Brass ones. Which you don't have.

Park Hie-bong: In a word... her birth was an accident, and so was her death. Old people have always said... that an animal which kills a human... should be torn limb from limb. That it's a human's duty to do so. Until I slit that beast's stomach... and at least find Hyun-seo's body... I'll never leave this world in peace.

Louis Simo: Lady, I can nail you with this.
Leonore Lemmon: D'Artagnan, you couldn't nail me with roses and a trip to Vegas.

Edward Malus: Oh, my God... Oh, my God! OH, MY GOD.