David Carver: Don't hurt her.
Collie Entragian: Son, I will put a stick through your mother, and spin her around til she catches fire, if I so desire! And you cannot stop me, and I'll come back for you.
Cynthia Smith: Are you a nice person?
Steve Ames: Well, uh, I like to think so. But then again, if I was Ted Bundy, do you think I'd tell you?
Tak (voice): Tak commands you to stop.
John Edward Marinville: Donald Rumsfeld commands me to stop. Adam Sandler commands me to stop. Ann Coulter commands me to stop.
Collie Entragian: This is Desperation. Everything out here is Can Tah and Can Tak. And don't you forget it.
Ralph Carver: Haven't you done enough to us?
Collie Entragian: In a word... no.
Steve Ames: Stay here.
Cynthia Smith: Yeah right! Eat me, said the cake to Alice.
Cynthia Smith: Are you going to smoke that or gum it to death?
Steve Ames: Eh... I quit. I still urge to keep the practice though.