Rose Da Silva: Sharon is adopted, but I'm her mother. I knew that the first time I laid eyes on her.
Cybil Bennett: She's lucky to have you. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
Dahlia Gillespie: Into the fire, she swallowed their hate.
Rose Da Silva: You've darkened the heart of an innocent and now you cower in the face of Alessa's revenge.
Christabella: To find your daughter, you must face the darkness of Hell.
Dark Alessa: Now is the End of Days, and I am the Reaper.
Dahlia Gillespie: Why didn't she take me? Like the others?
Rose Da Silva: Because you're her mother. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
Cybil Bennett: What the fuck? What the fuck? You saw that right? That was real? What the fuck is going on?
Alessa: Look at me, I'm burning.
Anna: Filth and lies.
Anna: Sinners deserve to lose their spawn.
Anna: We have to leave, we have to leave! The Darkness is coming.
Rose Da Silva: I'm looking for my daughter. I'm afraid she's been hurt.
Dahlia Gillespie: We've all lost our children. Our light.
Cybil Bennett: They used to say this place was haunted.
Rose Da Silva: I think they were right.
Anna: We are wandering far from refuge here.
Rose Da Silva: Let's keep her with us. She's all we've got.
Rose Da Silva: Honey, sometimes when you go to sleep you go on a little walk. And sometimes you talk about a place called Silent Hill.
Sharon: I don't remember.
Rose Da Silva: That's okay honey, that's why we're gonna go there. So you can remember.
Dahlia Gillespie: Fire doesn't cleanse, it blackens.
Rose Da Silva: Your faith brings death.
Christabella: The faithful must gather in judgement for we are called to purify this filth.
Christabella: Are you a person of faith?
Rose Da Silva: I love my daughter.
Christabella: That's not what I asked.
Dahlia Gillespie: Do not join the others, they are deceivers, they are damned.
Chosen answer: They did not die in the accident. Rather, Alessa's rage and the demon's power caused the town of Silent Hill to fracture into at least three different "dimensions" that we know of (the real world, "fog world" and "other world", plus potentially others). Rose and Sharon are unfortunately stuck inside of one of those alternative realities. The sequel also confirms that they are very much alive.