Movie Quote Quiz

Jill: You've made a recruitment video for the Hitler Youth.

Billy: Dating's complicated in England.
Steve: English birds ain't complicated. You buy 'em a Bacardi Breezer and they'll ride you like Sea Biscuit.

Steve: Just saw a geezer in a balaklava with a suitcase... No... more of a travel bag.

Steve: Shit, I've left Gordon's foot on the coach... sorry mate.

Richard: There are no bears in Hungary. Unless we've crossed the border into Romania, in which case there ARE bears. If we're in Serbia, then... I don't know.
Harris: That's really interesting, Richard. Tell me something: are bears required to stop at borders? Is there some sort of, I don't know, passport control for bears?

Steve: You found a pie?

Continuity mistake: In the close-ups of the scene near the very end of the film when the three girls and the guy get in the boat, there is no rain. On the wide shot, it is very badly raining and rain can be seen coming down as well as hitting the water. But as the shot reverts back to the boat, there is no rain to be seen.

Dave Woollin

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