Factual error: Troy has several chains attached to his body, of which two are attached to his Achilles tendons. This is the structure of the leg that allows you to stand and move, so as soon as he ripped them out, he would have fallen over and been unable to walk.

Factual error: When Bud-dha is meditating one morning, to his left is the way they came from, and to his right is the way they had been headed the day before (which they say is true north). But, He's facing the sunrise. The sun rises in the East, not the West, so the sunrise should be behind him. Then, after that, when the puppies set off again, they head towards the sunrise, though they're supposed to be headed "true north".

Factual error: When Liz and Abe's plane crashes, it sinks far too quickly to be realistic. Also, from the sheer amount of force the plane hit the water with, both should easily have died. Obviously done for dramatic effect, but still a mistake.

Factual error: The hanging is shown using the "standard drop", with a trapdoor, breaking the neck. This was not introduced until the 19th century (after France had abandoned the gallows for the guillotine), whereas the film is set in the 18th century. In those days the victim was just strung up on the gallows and left to strangulate (the "short drop").

Factual error: In this Sci-Fi Channel TV movie, a geology professor and his students are climbing the side of an Icelandic volcano. The professor tells them, "There's a book by Jules Verne: Voyage to the Center of the Earth." He may not be an English prof, but he should still know better. Verne's book is Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Factual error: The temperature on earth is increasing more and more throughout the movie. People have been dropping dead left and right, but somehow all plant life is still greener than ever. All the moisture in the ground would be gone by now, so the leaves and grass should be dried up.

Factual error: Dante's last day seems to be in the fall season, judging by the amount of leaves on the road when he and Randal drive back from the Go-Karts. One of the last scenes is of all four of them outside the just re-opened Quick Stop and you can see that Becky is very much pregnant (at least 5 months) but the season is still the same (look at the trees). There should be snow on the ground in NJ at that time (Jan-Feb), or at least it would be cold enough to wear a coat and see your breath.

Factual error: In the ending credits, in the cast section, the word "Mobile" is misspelled as "Mobil" five times.

Factual error: When Scarlet decides to ram the other car, she asks 'Him' if there is a green Pontiac behind her. Him answers yes. In fact, the car is a Chevrolet Camaro, not a Pontiac. Him may be a detached actor that knows nothing about cars, but Scarlet knows the car and its owner well, and the owner's reaction proves the car hit was the intended target. (00:29:15)

Factual error: When Sherman creates the fake college website, he states that it ends in .edu, which can only be given out to an accredited university.

Factual error: Marie Antoinette has moved into her new vacation home following the birth of her daughter. Her friends are visiting, she is walking through the field of wildflowers, and she blows a ladybug off her finger. The camera pans upward to show her gazing at the sky. There is a very obvious vapor-trail from a large airliner cutting through the center of the camera shot, from one side of the screen to the opposite, predating jet-liners by over 150 years. (01:25:25)

Factual error: The Blairs are in a car travelling down the motorway when Tony receives a phone call from a lord. In the background the passing scenery is leafless trees and a bare winter landscape, but the events of the film take place during the English summer.

Factual error: In an interview before his first launch attempt, Charles explains that his flight plan is to make exactly one orbit of Earth, returning from orbit directly to the launch point, his farm in Texas. Launching from that latitude would necessarily incline the orbital plane to the equator, and Earth would rotate beneath the spacecraft's groundtrack during the roughly hour and a half period of the orbit. The craft would then land, not at the farm, but several hundred miles to the west.

Factual error: When, on their second date, Jenny sucks in air and pulls a cab backwards, the driver spins the tires trying to go forward. The smoke rolling off the tires does not get drawn backwards towards the suction.

Factual error: The slave ship the pirates overtake in the beginning is flying the tricolor flag of modern France, which was not adopted until the revolution in 1789. Blackbeard is set in 1717.

Factual error: There is a reference to Meggido (aka Har Meggido aka Armageddon) as being "south of Jerusalem". Meggido is actually to the very north of Jerusalem.

Factual error: When the new candidates report in to Rescue Swimmer School, one of the airmen is wearing the Silver Star ribbon. The person is too young to have served in another service, and there are no other service's ribbons worn - and the Coast Guard hasn't issued a Silver Star since Vietnam.
Suggested correction: Nobody is wearing medals except for the captain and Randall in the entire scene.

Factual error: Jenna calls her dad with the result of her sonogram, and reveals the sex of the fetus. But given the timing of the movie, we know that Jenna is between 10 and 12 weeks - gender can't be determined from a sonogram until at least 20 weeks.

Factual error: Willow drops cartridges on the ground that appear to be .45ACP rounds. These are considerably larger than the 9mm rounds that Edward's Beretta pistol would actually use.

Factual error: The 4th Infantry Division drives Bradley fighting vehicles, not LMTV's (trucks) as seen in the Iraq scene.