Factual error: One of the subplots involves a young boy ("Tommy") who is bitten by a cobra and the attempts to save his life. When they are working on his arm, it is horribly swollen & filled with fluid which they drain by cutting open his arm. Cobras secrete a neurotoxic venom which attacks the nervous system. It would not cause noticeable swelling at the bite site. The symptoms Tommy has would indicate a bite from a snake which secretes a hemotoxic venom (such as a rattlesnake), which attacks the blood stream & tissues, causing swelling.
Factual error: In the Louvre, Sophie puts the GPS receiver in a bar of soap and tosses it out the window onto a passing truck. Problem is, the bathrooms in that part of the Louvre don't have windows, or bars of soap (they have liquid soap dispensers).
Factual error: In at least one scene, near the end of the film, metallic alloy dental fillings can be seen inside King Leonidas' mouth. Fillings of this type were not used until the 7th century A.D.
Factual error: In the swimming pool scene from Max and Fanny's childhood, there is a modern inflatable plastic pool chair that would not have been available at that time. (01:42:40)
Factual error: When the Bronco is underwater at the end of the movie, Claire's hands are tied to the steering wheel. Doug rips the steering wheel off. Anyone who has worked on cars knows you need a puller to get a steering wheel off, you can't just rip it by hand.
Factual error: When Cecelia and her friends are in the car, following Aquamarine, Hailey, and Claire to the water tower, they aren't that far away - probably less than thirty feet - yet the other girls don't hear their car approaching.
Factual error: When Clouseau heard the footsteps of what he thought to be a lady and what we afterwards knew was the Russian trainer, he described how tall she was using the English system of feet and inches, not the metric system, which is used in France.
Factual error: The helmsmen on the ships always spin the wheel in the direction that they wish to turn. However, in the days of sail the wheel had to be spun in the opposite direction from the direction of turn. (01:56:00)
Factual error: When Iris is unable to sleep she looks over at Amanda's bedside clock which displays 5:00 pm, however, moments later Iris discovers a button to lower the shade. There is bright sunlight coming into the room, however, in December the sun sets prior to this time (about 4:45pm according to timeanddate.com)
Factual error: The house slides down the hill and breaks apart when Chowder pulls it down. It completely breaks apart. The furnace would have been destroyed, but the house rebuilds itself later on.
Factual error: Several characters can be seen playing an Xbox game console, which was not released until 2001, although this movie is set in 1999.
Factual error: The race held at Texas Motor Speedway has signs showing that it is the Dickies 500. That race is held in November and ends after dark. The race is finished in the daylight.
Factual error: Borat and Azmat are depicted having entered Atlanta and getting off at Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. which runs East and West. Atlanta does not have a road named "Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd." The MLK in Atlanta is "Martin Luther King Junior Drive" (00:35:50)
Factual error: The main character of the movies buys a pistol that is a 1911 Colt, which fires the .45 round. However, when the police show up at the warehouse, and see the shell casings, they mention as belonging to a .38.
Factual error: When the Marines strip off and run into the sea in the final scene, Doc takes off a pair of white socks that would be more appropriate for a final at Wimbledon. Not only are they white rather than khaki, they are virtually spotlessly clean which would be impossible after a week of fighting on the black sands of Iwo Jima.
Factual error: When Hope is driving the pickup in the car chase, she yanks the parking brake, causing a tank of propane to fly out the tailgate and into the car that is chasing her. This is completely impossible. The tank would have slid in the other direction (forward) and slammed into the back of the cab when she slowed down. (00:38:10)
Factual error: The first time Miranda Priestly arrives in the office, everyone scrambles to make themselves look better. One girl uses her webcam to apply makeup, but the image shown in the computer monitor is as though the monitor is a mirror. Given that she is looking directly at the screen rather than at the webcam itself, her eyes should not be shown looking directly into the monitor, but rather just below (if it is a top-mounted webcam).
Factual error: The family passes an exit for Carefree Highway. This is an exit off I-17 a few miles North of Phoenix. At that point they would be about 10 miles from Scottsdale. Yet they drive all day and that night they are still within scooter range from Scottsdale.
Factual error: In the scene where Mark is describing to his friend, Josh, how he knew about the bet from the beginning, and how he foiled Andreas plan by disconnecting the camera, he states that he did this by unplugging the "Tv Feed," or RCA cable, from the camera. This would not stop the camera from recording as they state it does.
Factual error: The movie is supposed to be set in South Carolina and shows license plates on the front of cars. But cars in South Carolina don't have license plates on the front.