Tom Creo: All these years, all these memories, there was you. You pull me through time.

Brian Jackson: Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be clever. Some people are born clever, same way some people are born beautiful. I'm not one of those people.

Malcolm Moore: You know you're an idiot, right?
Sean Porter: I'm making progress. I used to be an asshole.

Bill Cox: You designed the software, you find me a way in.
Jack Stanfield: I wouldn't know where to start.

Jesse Stone: If you come near this woman again, if anything happens to her, or her kids, no matter what, no matter whose fault it is, I will kick you around this town until you look like roadkill. And if you're annoying, like you were today, I just might shoot you.

Jack Lengyel: One day, not today, not tomorrow, not this season, probably not next season either but one day, you and I are gonna wake up and suddenly we're gonna be like every other team in every other sport where winning is everything and nothing else matters. And when that day comes, well that's, that's when we'll honor them.

Donna D. Logand: The hell of it is, is you're only as loved as you think you are.

Tim Steinberg: It has to be a virus. I mean, his computer is probably still logged on. It's just hitting his address book.
Mattie Webber: They said, "Help me."
Stone: Yeah, but viruses always have some important-sounding shit. I mean, just the other day, I got one that said, "Urgent, Stone. Read me now." I mean, that's a natural occurrence. It happens all the time.
Isabell Fuentes: That was from me, you idiot.
Stone: Damn. That was pretty strong.

Bud Gerber: People on the street corners, they looked at this picture and they took hope. Don't ask me why, I think it's a crappy picture, myself. You can't even see your faces! But it said we can win this war, are winning this war, we just need you to dig a little deeper. They want to give us that money. No, they want to give it to you.

Barbara Covett: We are bound by the secrets we share.