Messenger: What makes this woman think she can speak among men?
Queen Gorgo: Because only Spartan women give birth to real men.

Surveillance Guy: Who the fuck are you?
Dignam: I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.

Chad Danforth: Have you ever seen Michael Crawford on a cereal box?
Troy Bolton: Who's Michael Crawford?
Chad Danforth: Exactly my point! He was the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. Now, my mom, she's seen that musical 27 times and she put Michael Crawford's picture in our refrigerator. Not on it, in it. So, my point is if you play basketball, you're gonna end up on a cereal box. If you sing in musicals, you're gonna end up in my mom's refrigerator.
Troy Bolton: Why would she put his picture in her refrigerator?
Chad Danforth: One of her crazy diet ideas! Look, I don't have time to understand the female mind, Troy!

Flint Sky: Those people in the forest, what did you see on them?
Jaguar Paw: I do not understand.
Flint Sky: Fear. Deep rotting fear. They were infected by it. Did you see? Fear is a sickness. It will crawl into the soul of anyone who engages it. It has tainted your peace already. I did not raise you to see you live with fear. Strike it from your heart. Do not bring it into our village.

O2: Where's your bathroom? I gotta shit.

Maggie McGlone: If my muscles hurt, it just means I've used them. If it hurts to walk up the stairs, it's just cause I've done it a hundred times to lay down next to a man who loved me. My face may have wrinkles, but I have laid under hundreds of skies on sunny days. I look like this, well, because I drank and I smoked and I lived and I loved and I screwed my way through a pretty damn good life. Getting old isn't bad. It's earned.

Brad Adamson: You have a nice place here.
Sarah Pierce: You think? Yeah, Richard does pretty well for himself.
Brad Adamson: Oh, yeah? What's he do?
Sarah Pierce: He lies.

Moon: Because, "If you're sad", my Grandma told me "then cry", "After you cry, you still have to live life"

Georgia Byrd: I didn't come here to make an impression on anybody, I just came here to blow every last cent I had.

Dalton Russell: Fact is, all lies, all evil deeds, they stink. You can cover them up for a while, but they don't go away.

Burt Vickerman: Go get changed, warm up and join vault rotation.
Haley Graham: Uh, sorry. I accidentally burned all my leotards last year. Hope this is okay.

Eisenheim: My intention has only been to entertain, nothing more.

Curtis Taylor Jr.: Who was the first artist to sing "Hound Dog"?
C.C. White: Elvis Presley.
Curtis Taylor Jr.: Big Mama Thorton. She had the number-one single on the R&B charts, but the white stations wouldn't play it, because to them it was just another race record.

Danny Archer: So you're a fisherman, ha? What do you catch mostly?
Solomon Vandy: Fish.

King Xerxes: Then marry me... And we shall spend an eternity discovering this truth... together.