Ziad Jarrah: Open the door. Open the door and nobody will be hurt.
Mohammed Atta: We have some planes.
Honor Elizabeth Wainio: Hi, Mom, it's me. I'm on the plane that's been hijacked. I'm just calling to tell you that I love you, and goodbye. This really kind woman handed me the phone and she said to call you.
Todd Beamer: Come on, guys, what are we waiting for? Let's roll. Come on, let's go already.
Thomas E. Burnett, Jr.: Hey, this is a suicide mission. We have to do something. They are not gonna land this plane.
Answer: The hole where the plane went into the building is shaped very specifically where you can see the outline of the wings, the middle of the plane, not to mention its size. The holes on the other side of the building did not have this same outline. It wouldn't be difficult to determine that was the point of entry. Not to mention the CNN report focused very heavily on the point of entry hole on the north tower and hardly focused on the other sides because of it until the 2nd tower got hit. They were very clear in the report where the hole was where it got hit. Wasn't difficult to determine with both witness reports coming in fast and the shape of the outline.