Lazarus: I'm cookin' steaks fah dinnah. I expect you to stay.

Saigo: We can die here, or we can continue fighting. Which would better serve the emperor?

Park Hie-bong: In a word... her birth was an accident, and so was her death. Old people have always said... that an animal which kills a human... should be torn limb from limb. That it's a human's duty to do so. Until I slit that beast's stomach... and at least find Hyun-seo's body... I'll never leave this world in peace.

Rachel Stein aka Ellis de Vries: I never knew this would happen. To fear the liberation.

Robert Langdon: This is an old wives' tale.
Sir Leigh Teabing: The original one, in fact.

Ludwig van Beethoven: An artist is someone who has learnt to trust in himself.

Squad Leader: You're gonna be Spook's wingman. You think you can handle that?
Dieter: I could not ask for a better man, sir. But, please, could I ask you a question?
Squad Leader: Go ahead.
Dieter: You know, Spook is such a goddamn daredevil, could you please order him not to try too hard to die for his country, but rather to let the son-of-a-bitch on the other side die for his instead?

Eddie Bunker: You're driving in a hurricane and you see three people at a bus stop. One is an old lady and she's sick. One is your best friend and he saved your life. And the third is the lady of your dreams. Now check it out, you only have room for one in your car, which one do you take?

Charles Farmer: So, what do you wanna be when you get out of here?
Child #2: I don't know.
Charles Farmer: What do you mean, you don't know?
Child #2: I don't know.
Charles Farmer: Well, let me tell you something, you better know what you wanna do before somebody knows it for you. Trust me.

Brother Lorenzo: There will be no liberty for the enemies of liberty.