Corrected entry: When the Eva Green character introduces herself to Matthew, she says she was born in 1959, but since the film is set in 1968, that would make her about 10 years old, but she must be meant to be about 16-18 in the film.

Corrected entry: Most Dublin gang members don't wear leather jackets. Anyone from Dublin will tell you that the majority of Dublin gang members wear tracksuits.
Correction: Another submission with the word "most" in it. The majority wearing tracksuits in no way precludes individuals from wearing leather jackets, especially if you're talking about the scene where Veronica is killed by men on a motorcycle wearing motorcycle jackets.

Corrected entry: When the guys are 1st introduced to Ray at the bar, the napkin on the counter in front of him jumps from being in front of him to the left of him during their talk.
Correction: If you look closely Ray is playing with the napkin , it's possible that he could be the one moving it around.

Corrected entry: Towards the end, when it zooms out of the planet and eventually zooms to a record, you'll notice that the record says 'B', then later when the father pulls the pin off it becomes 'D'. (01:02:10 - 01:05:00)
Correction: No, it's definitely a 'D'.

Corrected entry: Mrs. Connelly gives Alex a Bugle that she dipped in onion dip, but in the following shots the Bugle is no longer covered in dip. (00:09:35)
Correction: Alex bit off the part of the Bugle which had the dip.

Corrected entry: In 1989, Sarah is putting her son to bed in grey patterned pyjamas when her husband comes in and they have an argument. Then in 1995 when Sara is kissing her sleeping son goodbye before leaving for Chechnya he's wearing the same set of grey patterned pyjamas. (00:50:35 - 01:31:20)
Correction: This isn't a mistake - so he likes those pyjamas. They are probably made in more than one size, so his mom could keep buying them for him as he grew.

Corrected entry: David Gale was on death row for 9 years. After his death, they showed TV clips of the Texas Governor he was debating stating that the system works. That governor should've already served two terms.
Correction: David Gale was on death row for 6 years. They say at the start that the average length of stay on death row is 9 years but it is stated that he was there for 6 years.

Corrected entry: On the television news report, the 5 cheerleaders are said to have disappeared after a football game. When we hear the news on the radio (when Baby and Bill walk to the house and leave the other 3 in the car) the cheerleaders are said to be last seen leaving a spirit competition.
Correction: Many football games have a spirit competition in them during half-time.

Corrected entry: After Emily Delahunty is in the hospital recovering from the train wreck, she is seen with a tube up her nose. When the camera turns to Quinty and back to her, the tube is gone.
Correction: When she has the tube in her nose inspector Girotti is in the room. In the next scene, where she has no tube, Girotti is not there when Quinty comes in, and it may well be the next day or even later.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Kid gets a gun pulled on him in the alley, the man with the gun pulls out a Glock with his right hand and his left hand is on the Kid's neck. There are a few problems here: 1. He pulls the Glock out of his pants and releases the slide. This would not happen because no one keeps this gun on their body with the action open. 2. If the audio dept. wanted to have the effect of a cocked weapon they should have made sure the film was shot with another weapon. All Glocks are "hammerless" and to be cocked must have the slide pulled back (assuming a round isn't chambered, in which case you wouldn't need to cock it at all).
Correction: You can't say that no one keeps a gun on their body with the slide open. People have done much more stupid things than that with guns. The rest of the mistake is an audio problem which is a legitimate mistake. Feel free to resubmit.

Corrected entry: After Erica receives her progress report in French class the teacher dismisses the class saying "Bonjour" (hello) I believe the word he was after was "au revoir" or "adieu" (good-bye).
Correction: Technically, this isn't a mistake because "bonjour" translates as "good day," which can be used instead of goodbye.

Corrected entry: This is perhaps the only Nickelodeon animated film to earn a PG rating, while all the others are rated G.
Correction: There have been at least 7 other Nickelodeon animated film with a PG rating (one was even PG-13) plus one with a TV-PG rating. For example, "Hey Arnold! The Movie", "The Wild Thornberrys Movie", and the SpongeBob movies.

Corrected entry: As Willard goes through the house rat proofing, he duct tapes the toilet lid down, but when Catherine uses Willard's toilet, the duct tape he used to secure the lid is cut so she can just lift the lid.
Correction: She does tear off the tape to get it open. you even hear a ripping sound..

Corrected entry: When the survivors battle the dead outside the shack, there are closeups of the humans that show them firing, switching from real time to slow-motion then back. In these shots, the girls' guns change between shots. They go from firing shotguns in real time to holding pistols in slow-mo, then back to shotguns in real time, or vice versa.
Correction: Artistic license. Since they were trying to make the movie like a game these are like previews of the character's abilities. Like in Liberty's preview she kills a zombie that is not there, it's just showing her abilities.

Corrected entry: Heath's priest buddy (Mark Addy) began encouraging Heath to leave the order and marry Shannon S's character right after they got to Rome. Then, Heath decides to do just that. Suddenly, Mark Addy changes his mind and says he should stay - giving an impassioned speech in the hospital about their mission, training, etc. Why the big change of heart? They were already fighting the Sin Eater at the beginning, and so far as I can see, nothing had changed.
Correction: This is not the case at all. Mark Addy is trying to convince Heath to kill the sineater after Heath decides there is no problem with what the sineater does.
Correction: This is not an error - it is a reference to the year the Godard film 'Bout de Souffle' was made. Eva Green [Isabelle in the film.] makes this clear by then quoting from the film - 'New York Herald Tribune' - which was filmed on the Champs Elysees.