Corrected entry: In the scene where Diane Keaton is coming home from her date with Keanu Reeves she does not have panty hose on. However, when she came out to meet Keanu you see her with black panty hose on. When did she take them off?

Corrected entry: When Michael opens the ballerina box, the blue light appears at the side of the mirror. When he backs up, the blue light is right behind him.
Correction: While he is looking at the ballerina box, when the ball of light first appears, you only see it reflecting off the box before he stands up and turn around. You never actually see it until his sister comes out.

Corrected entry: When the Wellesley College boss dictates to her secretary the key letter offering Julia Roberts a new contract but with teaching/artistic conditions which lead to Ms Roberts leaving, the secretary uses Teeline shorthand. The film is set in 1953/54, Teeline was invented by one James Hill in 1968. (01:43:00)
Correction: The secretary is using Gregg shorthand, first publicized in 1888.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Mitch and Frank come home to Beenie holding the initial fraternity meeting, Frank is holding a George Foreman grill under his left arm. Towards the end of the scene Mitch says something to Beenie. Frank's arm with the grill in it can be seen. The shot goes to Beenie and then back to Mitch and the grill is then under Frank's right arm, but in the next shot it switches back again to his left.
Correction: The gift isn't a George Foreman Grill. It's a bread making machine.

Corrected entry: This film uses a lot (maybe too many) Italian stereotypes, but they're all (the black-dressed old women, the jealous father, nice dressed men always trying with Frances) southern Italian ones. These are the most known Italian characters since most of the immigrant came from the south, but in this context, it's like placing a lot of cowboys in New York City.
Correction: I fail to see how using stereotypes is a movie mistake. Most movies have lots of them.

Corrected entry: When Louis is calling the man with the plane, he only dials 2 numbers and the phone in the man's pocket starts ringing.
Correction: Louis could have had the number on speed dial in case he lost the number, therefore only pressing two buttons would still have called the guy.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, on the subway, a male character refers to Lisa Taylor as "Tara," referring to actress Tara Reid. He states to Tom Stansfield: "Tara doesn't even know you work for the company."
Correction: During this scene the "male character" (Paul) says "Taylor" not "Tara". He is referring here to Jack Taylor, Tom's boss or Lisa Taylor, Tom's love interest.

Corrected entry: In the beginning a newscaster says that the murder scene is as horrific as the Sharon Tate murders in 1968. Sharon Tate was murdered 1969.
Correction: That's a real mistake, made on air by the actual broadcaster. The Channel 5 documentary "The Real Dirk Diggler" plays the tape back. It actually sounds to me like they used the real tape in this film.

Corrected entry: When Roy plunges into the water, when the bad-guy cuts the line, you can see he hits the line with his sword, which sparks but doesn't damage the line at all. The line simply begins to move rapidly as if cut.
Correction: Looking at it in slow-motion, you can see several lines of rope lying next to each other. The sword actually cuts the one in the front which quickly disappears to the left and makes the other ropes (actually a different part of the very same rope) move rapidly.

Corrected entry: After Henry gets his henna tattoo, there's a scene of him scaling a wall and his tattoo is not there. Then later he's home dancing in front of the mirror wearing leather pants and his tattoo is back.
Correction: The tattoo is there when he's climbing the wall, it is visible.

Corrected entry: Towards the end on the roof when Cooper is throwing tiles at Dale, one hits him in the head and he bleeds all over his forehead, after Dale falls through the window and hits the ground it zooms up on his face and there isn't a drop of blood nor a scratch or cut from the tile hitting him.
Correction: Actually, you can see the gash on the side of his head, right at his hair line. the blood could be gone because it is raining heavily.

Corrected entry: When Jimmy is pouring a drink for Dave's wife in the kitchen, he begins pouring from a frontal shot. It moves to a shot over his shoulder, and back to the front shot again, where he finally stops pouring. All this time, we can hear the liquor continuously being poured, but if he had poured for that long, the glass would have overflowed. When he finally places the bottle down on the table, the glass is less than half full. (00:54:25)
Correction: So it's clear that he was pouring slowly.

Corrected entry: In multiple jungle scenes when the Rangers are shooting their automatic weapons at each other, you can distinctly hear the ringing sound of shell casings falling onto a hard (concrete) surface.
Correction: From shooting M-16's, M-4's, and owning an AR-15, I know that when the spent shell casing is thrown from the ejection port, the metal ejection bolt striking the bottom of the shell can make this noise. Also, the empty shells could have been landing on each other, also causing this noise.

Corrected entry: When William H. Macy and Maria Bello are on he road side and the hitman has a gun pointed to their head we can see the oncoming headlights from the drunken driver glowing on their faces. When the drunk driver runs over the hitman the light is still shinning on their faces even though the car has passed them.
Correction: I believe that the couple is in the headlights of the patrol car.

Corrected entry: During the "Child Stars" song at the end, the crowd sing "...if you call her Marsha, she'll bust your friggin' head." But they mouth the 'F' Word.
Correction: On the actual DVD and VHS tapes, the actors sing the "F" word. "Friggin" is sometimes used as a censor when the movie is played on television.

Corrected entry: When Sands throws a rock at Bellini after pushing him in the water, the rock hits his chest and abs. You can see the body is fake because as the rock hits, the arms along with the chest and head are lifted up off the water far too quickly, as if it was filled with air. Much like if you threw a rock into a life raft. (00:38:25)
Correction: I just frame-by-framed through the sequences, and there's nothing wrong with it. His head/arms/chest definitely do not "lift up too quickly. " His body was just pelted in the abdomen by a large rock while he was floating on water. The reaction was perfectly natural.

Corrected entry: DMX stands for Dark Man X. His real name is Earl Simmons.
Correction: Dark Man X is only one of the things that DMX can stand for. It is also the name of a beat box machine that was in use when DMX first started beat boxing before he started rapping.

Corrected entry: When Flight Sergeant Oberon Winley leaves the others to attempt to complete his mission alone we see him marching through the woods with the snow floating straight down and we hear the wind howling.
Correction: As odd as it may see, this frequently occurs in the woods. Pockets of absolute stillness when the trees are high and with depressions on ground, can be formed even with a storm howling a few hundred meters away. In such cases the snowflakes fall nicely. It surprises me all the time.

Corrected entry: Nick Easter is able to catch Doyle searching his apartment because the jury is dismissed early that day. However, since Fitch's group is monitoring the court room with hidden cameras, and also keeping an eye on the jurors as well, they should've had more than enough time to warn Doyle so he could get out before Nick got back to his apartment.
Correction: This is not a movie mistake, maybe a character mistake or a mistake by the team. Nowhere does anyone say we will call you if the jury gets out early. They might not even know Doyle is at Easter's apartment. Maybe he was having lunch.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ruby and Ada are packing up the horses to go look for Ruby's father on the mountain, there is a shot of Ada walking behind Ruby and you can see that she is wearing modern white sneakers, not her black boots.
Correction: Ada is not wearing 'modern white sneakers', she is wearing her black lace-up boots that have been covered in snow. This is easily observed as she is walking up to the barn, at the beginning of the scene.
Correction: Take a closer look. She does not have on black hose when she comes out to meet Keanu Reeves for the date. Her legs look bare.