Corrected entry: When Jeb and Gaz are on the big rock, they drink from an empty wine bottle. You can see through it when Jeb takes a swig and then when Gaz takes one and we hear liquid moving in the bottle, when he hands it back to Jeb you can see straight through the glass again and it's completely empty.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, two vehicles are being driven into the woods. One is the beat-up van containing the woman who has been tied up. The other, a yellow coupe, is being driven by the young lady who, according to the plot twist revealed near the end, has actually been responsible for the murders in the movie. If the real murderer was driving the yellow coupe and the only real occupant of the beat-up van was the tied-up woman, then who was driving the van? The movie shows the van being driven by a sadistic middle-aged male murderer who turned out to be a figment of the real murderer's imagination, but at the end, we see the real female killer and the van, so the van must have been driven by somebody.
Correction: Alex, the real killer has a split personality. She was more than likely imagining the whole idea of being in the yellow car. She was in the van the whole time, but with her split personality also imagined chasing herself (as the heroine) being in a yellow car. It was all a figment to her, but shown to us from her perespective.

Corrected entry: When Jonesy, under control of Mr. Gray, is driving the truck, you can see a sign with "Derry" beside the street. "Derry" is a town that appears very often in the books of Stephen King, for example "It."
Correction: That sign isn't trivia, it's part of the plot,as is the reference to Derry on Josie Rinkenhauer's missing child poster, and every other reference to Derry in this movie. Much of Dreamcatcher actually takes place in Derry - that's where Duddits and the other four boys grew up, that's where the grown-up Duddits still lives, and that's where Henry and Owen go to pick Duddits up. That sign isn't a cute but unnecessary reference to Stephen King's other books, it's an important part of this story.

Corrected entry: Just to be sure: Officer Harrigan fires 14 rounds out of a 6 bullet revolver?
Correction: That's correct. It's part of the running joke in the film that the guns don't seem to run out of ammo until the worst moment, at which time they ALL run out at the same time.

Corrected entry: When Sarah removes the cover from the swimming pool there are lots of leaves and other dirt in the water as if it hadn't been used or at least cleaned for quite a while. However, the water itself is absolutely crystal clear and without a trace of muck. This can be seen even better when Sarah watches Julie swimming the next day. (00:17:30 - 00:25:00)
Correction: This happens to my pool every year. The water is crystal clear but the pool is filled with a floating layer of leaves...nothing strange about it if you keep your chlorine level correct.

Corrected entry: When Charlotte and Bob run away from the guys with the toy guns she is carrying a handbag. When Bob puts her on the bed later the handbag is gone, but then it's back on their next outing. (00:52:00 - 01:01:35)
Correction: When he is carrying her to her room she is holding the bag. In the next scene she doesn't have the bag, but that doesn't mean she didn't drop it in between scenes. The scenes are not continous so we don't know what she did once she entered the room, until she got to the bed.

Corrected entry: In the scene near the end of the movie where the Romainian bank robber is trying to abandon his car and steal the truck, the driver of the truck flees, leaving the driver's side door open. It is still open when the Romainian pulls his car up, but when the shot changes, the door is closed and he has to open it to get in.
Correction: When he drives up to the truck he is at the trucks door, hitting it off screen, and then when he gets out he is seen closing the remainder of what was left open.

Corrected entry: Lt Waters and his team arrive at the mission at night time. They tell Lena that she must be ready to leave in half an hour. They leave during daylight. It is mentioned on leaving that they will meet the chopper in an hour and a half but night falls again before that happens. (00:12:30 - 00:15:00)
Correction: It says they are an hour and a half behind schedule, not that they will meet the helicopter in an hour and a half.

Corrected entry: The beer pitcher, empty mug, and crumpled napkin move around the bar in several consecutive shots. (00:05:05)
Correction: Where exactly? What bar in what scene? You have to be a bit more specific than this.

Corrected entry: Marilyn would not be entitled to a settlement of Massey's estate after just one night of marriage, the marriage could have easily been annulled.
Correction: California requires grounds for annulment, so they would have to prove her intent was fraud, which is not so easy.

Corrected entry: When Donna goes to the interview she says that 'legendary' John Whitney had been with Royalty Airlines for a very long time. Later, when Donna is retested, John says that the previous perfect test score was his own-seven years before. He only passed his basic training seven years before. (00:19:05 - 00:59:00)
Correction: It's possible that John Whitney has been with the company (in a different positions) for many years, but only recently (7 yrs prior) had he taken the exam for flight attendants.

Corrected entry: In the scene when Lester is arrested, he calls his home without depositing money into the pay telephone.
Correction: It's not a payhpone, it's a prison phone, where you are allowed to make one call.

Corrected entry: When B-rad is "robbing" the store, he takes yellow bottles. After the owner hits him and he finds out that it was a dream, the bottles he holds are deep purple.
Correction: This serves to point out that it is a dream.

Corrected entry: New Republic editor Chuck Lane suspends reporter Stephen Glass from his job for two months for misconduct. Shortly after we see Stephen's co-worker Caitlin sending an e-mail to a friend lamenting that Stephen has been suspended from his job for "two years".
Correction: The suspension for two months was a "suggestion" from another character, not Chuck, in order to not create too much turmoil in the office because most of the staff looked favorably on Stephen.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Kelly finds out that Alexa has been exchanging text messages with Justin (in the club) and then she leaves, she forgets her purse. But then when it shows her outside singing "Anytime", she has her purse.
Correction: That's because Kaya reached over and grabbed it as she and Carlos left.

Corrected entry: In the house scene, a female voice says "Chris, I think we should leave." It's definitely a woman's voice - but whose? Carly and her fiance can both be heard talking at the same time, and Jess is in shot, her mouth not moving at all.
Correction: The voice is of Jessie. She is in the other room and she tells Chris that they should leave.

Corrected entry: Several times in the film, either Will or Jane goes to the airport just to see the other. They meet up at the gate of their child's departing flight. But the other person wouldn't have a boarding pass, so he or she would not have been granted access to the gate area.
Correction: For many, many years, they used to let you go all the way to the gate without a pass. The movie never makes mention of when it takes place exactly, so it is plausible.

Corrected entry: After Hubble gets the pie dropped on his head, there is a large blob of whip cream on his head, but when he's talking to the Greater Dane, the pile disappears.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Neil is supposedly singing and playing the guitar at Ray's recital, he is actually lip-syncing. At the end of the scene where everyone is clapping, even though you can still hear a guitar and a voice, his lips are not moving and his hands are not on his guitar.
Correction: The music is actually just continuing from the dance. After Ray does the final "gymnastics ta-da", everyone stands up to clap, signaling the end of the dance.

Corrected entry: In Adam Sandler's apartment, there is a buzzer to get into the apartment building. This is made clear by his "anger buddy" buzzing him to come downstairs once. However, when Jack Nicholson comes in to move in with Sandler, he rings no bell. He just knocks on the door. This happens several times (people comming in with no buzzer). How do they get in?
Correction: Good timing, someone was coming out as they tried to go in and held the door open. Or someone else outside with a key was also going in and, again, held the door.
Correction: There is some wine in it, then Gaz drinks it all, and hands it back to Jeb who seems annoyed by the fact that Gaz finished the bottle.