Corrected entry: When the trainees are shown breaking into the bug house, Zack is shown installing a bug and is then trapped in the toilet by the sliding door. Later in the same sequence, James and Zack are trapped in the corridor and Zack is pinned to the wall, while James dives through the window. Surely the trainees would have only had one attempt at planting the bugs and not be let free to try again?

Corrected entry: When Tracy is cutting her arm, you can see the line she "traces" with the blade before she cuts. (00:38:05)
Correction: This just shows that it is not the first time she has cut herself.

Corrected entry: When Jenna Elfman finds Bugs Bunny in the Shower, it is a clear reference to "Psycho". Even being in black and white and using syrup for blood.
Correction: If it's "clear", then it's not trivia.

Corrected entry: When Rosalie Mullins walks down the corridor approaching Dewey's classroom there are children doing artwork as she walks past, she even comments on the child saying "three at once that is very clever". After she listens in at the classroom door she continues walking down the corridor as we can see her on the CCTV footage the children have set up. In this shot, however, the children are no longer painting where they were before and appear to be through the doors Rosalie is about to walk through.
Correction: The angle on the CCTV camera is placed so that the children in the hallway are out of frame. We can only see Miss Mullins and what is in front of her, not the things that are behind her.

Corrected entry: When Lloyd is getting ready for school he is dancing in the halls, showering in the science class, goofing off in the cafeteria and looting the lost and found for clothes. There is no one in the school. You can see light outside and he runs off to hurry up and catch his bus. Don't you think teachers/staff would already be in the building?
Correction: This is an assumption and not an error. In the beginning Lloyd's dad says "school's gonna open up soon" and we don't know how long he spent goofing off, so the school still could have been closed. Additionally, just because we don't see anyone doesn't mean they're not there. It's possible they're all aware of Lloyd and just let him be.

Corrected entry: Throughout the film all cars have errors in license plates, In Ireland since 1992 all cars start off with last two digits of the car's year, county registered in and order registered in. Example: The first car registered in Dublin this year would be "05 D 1" the 922nd registered in Cork would be "05 C 922" I can't remember the exact format of the plates but remember it's factually incorrect.
Correction: You need to provide a specific example because all the plates I see have the correct format. 2-digit year of registration (new plates are only issued the year they're first registered, so "99" or "01" will be seen, they won't all have the same first 2-digits. Then we see "D" for Dublin followed by a 6-digit number, and all with the hyphens in the correct place.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Sean William Scott finds his landlord dead, whenever there is a shot of the dead body you can see him breathing. (00:58:37)
Correction: After closely watching this scene, I never see any breathing or movement. Since it was raining, there is the reflection of the rain on all 3 of the people which might have made you think there was breathing.

Corrected entry: In the bar scene, Harrison Ford refers to a property that he owns on Mt. Olympus. The next time he refers to it as being located on Mt. Olympics. (00:15:30)
Correction: Harrison Ford was being sarcastically exasperated at not being able to sell the property, and the way he said it was deliberate.

Corrected entry: In the scene in which Ray Speight is instructing Majorie during her driving test, we see him counting down to when he is going to call for an emergency stop. Actual instructors are not allowed to do a count down. They first tell the driver that they will be performing the emergency stop along a stretch of road, and then call it by placing their hand on the dashboard and calling out "STOP".
Correction: We are never told if she is sitting her driving test. They are both members of the bowling club and for all we know he could be helping her out.

Corrected entry: After the father had gone to the west he had been writing to his family for three years but never got a response because the mother intercepted all the letters. It remains a mystery how she had been able to do that since he had been writing to their home address - the mother has a full-time job and comes home in the evening. The kids come home after school. Of course they would check the letterbox, at least from time to time. Given the load of letters the father had written the odds are too high they would have come across one of them.
Correction: Pretty simple, actually - she could have been the only one with a key to the mailbox.

Corrected entry: When Dutton gives Downey a cigar and offers to "circumcise" it for him, Dutton snips off the wrong end of the cigar. You're supposed to cut the end farthest from the band, not the closer one.
Correction: He might have been distracted and not paying attention. Either way, this is a character mistake, not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: While Arnaz is known as a womanizer during his marriage to Ball, Ball herself was known to have extra-matrial affairs in the last few years of their marriage. She is depicted as a faithful wife in the film which is untrue in real life.
Correction: "Untrue in real life" is just an opinion, thereby not valid. Though some have made claims, such as Zsa Zsa Gabor's allegation, Lucille Ball's lack of marital fidelity has never once been substantiated, whereas Desi's has.

Corrected entry: In the scene where John Cusack is photographing the corpse (on the region 2 DVD theatrical cut), the disposable camera doesn't flash for one of the shots (Strangely, he doesn't seem to notice this). However, it does flash the next time he takes a picture, even though he never touches the flash charge button on the disposable camera. (00:46:45)
Correction: So it didn't flash...this happens all the time with disposable cameras. As to whether he noticed or not, he may not have even cared as he took multiple pictures.

Corrected entry: The scene where Charlie Wait shoots out the mirror in the bar is seen from two camera angles. First a long shot directly down the bar. Second from a long shot over our heroes' left shoulder. Watched frame by frame, the shotgun goes off in the first shot, the camera cuts and the shotgun goes off in the second shot. At normal speed it just feels clunky. Watching at a slower speed you can see why.
Correction: Per the rules of this site, anything that requires watching frame-by-frame to see it is NOT a mistake.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Barbara Novak is walking to the elevator after having caught Catcher with another woman, he chases after her. When you first see him he doesn't have the woman's grey hat on his crotch area, also not when he slides to catch the elevator door. Yet, in the shot where she says "and yet her hat's off to you anyway" he has the hat on his crotch area.
Correction: When he runs out the bedroom door, you can see the hat against his zipper. It's almost the same color as his trousers, which makes it difficult to distinguish as he's running, but the outline of it under his crotch is very clear. As he reaches the elevator, you can make out the wrinkles in the hat against his pants.

Corrected entry: On Ben and Andie's first date, they are seen eating lobster. But later on in the movie when Ben serves her lamb, she says she is a vegetarian.
Correction: Plenty of vegetarians just eat fish. They are called pescatarians.
Correction: This is more of a fault on Benjamin... he didn't realise that she had eaten meat prior to their vegetarian date.

Corrected entry: When the ship enters the Lair of the Sirens, Marina calls for Spike (the dog) to extend the the blades on the sides of the ship. But she's only been on board a day or so and has been locked in a store room. She cannot possibly know that the blades exist, let alone that the dog knows how to activate them. (00:32:20)
Correction: The movie is not done in real time. There would be a huge gap in time there but it is not referred to a) - because it would be boring and b) - because this is a children's movie.

Corrected entry: Lara's 5-barrel dart gun, as mentioned on the DVD extras, is a real weapon. The Heckler & Koch P11 Underwater Pistol is manufactured for certain Special Forces units. Apparently, this weapon has never been officially acknowledge by H&K and does not appear on any official website. Well, thanks to Lara, that's that secret out. Check out http://www.hkpro.com/peleven.htm for more.
Correction: Its listed on loads of websites http://www.securityarms.com/20010315/galleryfiles/0900/940.htm.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the New Main Street Singers are performing their second song at the reunion show, during the first close-up, Terry Bohner (Higgins) is standing behind Sissy Knox (Posey); upon the second close-up, he is standing behind his wife, Laurie (Lynch).
Correction: The change isn't between shots it's between scenes. Whilst performing the second song the scene changes to the Folksmen and after about 20 seconds of screen time it goes back to the New Main Street singers. More than enough time for Terry to change positions.

Corrected entry: When Luther is talking to Katie after she sings to him, he says "people try to make me out to be a fixed star, but I'm not. I am a wandering planet." The planetary model in which stars are fixed (relatively speaking) and the planets are in motion was put forth by Galileo, who was not born until 1564. The scene in the movie takes place shortly before 1530, when the geocentric model of the universe was still the prevailing thought, even among an educated professor, such as Martin Luther. (01:43:00)
Correction: Before Galileo (see e.g. the cosmological view in Dante's Comedy) the scientific concept of universe was precisely a series of spheres, including one of fixed stars, and a series of non-fixed "stars" called planets (remember this is an ancient Greek word for "wanderer") so Luther's words are 100% correct according to his times. Absolutely no question of any mistakes here.
Correction: Zack is trapped in the bathroom, and is not with James in the corridor. It is another CT.