Corrected entry: The vampires invent a bullet that contains a silvery metallic liquid - they claim it is silver nitrate. Pure silver nitrate forms white crystals; in solution it is colourless. (00:38:50)

Corrected entry: When the aliens are describing how they pee, and the shot cuts to the president, when his right hand is at his side, you can see the small black container in his hand which he squeezes on to pee out of a second later. (01:06:05)
Correction: That was his finger.

Corrected entry: In Red's first race after his accident (the last race in the movie) Seabiscuit is trailing behind for some time. When the camera shows him from the front he gallops across virgin turf in spite of all the other horses in front. (02:04:10)
Correction: Seabiscuit didn't run on turf, it was a dirt surfaced track. And he was running to the outside, where the other horses hadn't run.

Corrected entry: When Johnny eats the sea urchin in the sushi bar, you can hear it crunch. Sea urchins have no crunchy bits in the meat.
Correction: It wasn't the meat which was crunchy. It was the breaded crust you see on the sea urchin. (Not all food served in a sushi bar is raw. Some dishes are cooked.).

Corrected entry: In the scene where they're getting ready to appear on T.V. the camera man is Dax, he is in Punk'd with Ashton Kutcher.
Correction: Pointing out what other shows and movies someone has been in is not trivia.

Corrected entry: When Vin tries to get Lorenz Tate to go with him for one last run, Vin shouts at him "What if it happened to you." As he walks away, Tate stands at the corner of his house, meanwhile, some white guy peeks his head out from behind Tate's house.
Correction: The person who sticks their head out was at the edge of the property line. It was probably a neighbor who heard the two guys yelling. Since you can't tell if it's a crew member, it's not a mistake. Plus, it's not a white guy, it's a black guy.

Corrected entry: When everyone is fighting the robots at the end of the movie and Carmen hands glasses to Romero, she says they're the last ones. A few minutes later, when Gary and Gerti show up, she gives them glasses too.
Correction: This mistake has already been notedd. PLease look through ALL the others before you post one.

Corrected entry: When Larry is stopped by the cat (dressed as a hippie) and asked to sign the petition he displays no allergic reactions to the cat. Earlier in the film, and again further on, Larry shows signs of being allergic and even comments on it.
Correction: Previously submitted and corrected.

Corrected entry: The fruits Mariana gives Beck and Travis in the jungle are called "Konlabos." That is a fictional name the director made up for the fruits. They are actually eating pears put inside the fake "konlabos" shells. (01:05:30)
Correction: The "Konlabos" are actually cheramoya's, although they don't cause hallucinations.

Corrected entry: The bullet cartridge cannot be used the way Michael Jennings used it in the movie. It is not possible to fire a bullet without a gun. The casing of the bullet cartridge alone is not capable of sustaining the pressure of the gases produced by ignited powder. In order for the bullet to actually fire in forward direction the side walls of the casing must be supported by the gun barrel. Without the barrel the bullet cartridge will simply burst on the side. The bullet won't go anywhere, it will stay in the cartridge. Plastic cable tie used in the movie to hold the cartridge is not enough to make any difference.
Correction: While a bullet will not be propelled forward in an unsupported cartridge detonation, neither will pressures blow out or rupture the unsupported brass case wall. The weakest point in containing pressures in an unsupported cartridge or case is the case mouth tension that holds the bullet inside the case, not the case wall. An unsupported cartridge will, on ignition, separate the bullet and case, but as a matter of physics with internal expanding gas pressures pushing equally hard against both the bullet base & the rear of the case, the much lighter case will become the projectile, not the bullet. It's the case that will be "shot" away from the bullet, but only with limited energy.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of the film when Bruce first turns into the Hulk, he tosses the gamma machine out of the lab and into the road outside, but if you use frame by frame or slow motion from a view on the inside the gamma machine reaches the outside, and a view from the outside is showing the machine just coming out of the wall. (00:41:25)
Correction: This is a filming technique known as overlap. Its where a shot is shown twice from two different locations (In this case the inside and then the outside of the building).

Corrected entry: When the Nautilus leaves London, before it goes under water, the actors are all standing on deck. In the shot where Mrs Harker is talking to Dorian there are chairs on deck (which is quite remarkable for a submarine). When everybody goes inside because the submarine is about to dive, the chairs are gone. (00:39:00 - 00:40:25)
Correction: The chairs we see are where Dorian is standing. The next shots we see of Nemo having Jekyll and Skinner go inside are from a different part of the deck, where there are no chairs.

Corrected entry: At the very beginning of the film, the historical record reflects what appears to be the original series of events. However, all of the physical evidence reflects the various changes made by the characters throughout the movie. The most glaring example is the fact that history records the hanging of Lady Claire, which motivated the French peasants to the point that they successfully took the English held castle. However, they also find the sarcophagus, which contains the remains of Lady Claire and Andre Marek, from when they died some twenty five years after the battle, because he went back in time and saved her life. But if Lady Claire is in the sarcophagus, then she wasn't hanged in 1357 and it wouldn't be a matter of historical fact. Both set of circumstances can't be true at the same time.
Correction: The remains of the sarcophagus doesn't reveal that it is Andre Marek nor Lady Claire until after she isn't hanged and they come back. All that is revealed is that the man and woman were together and the man's ear was cut off. This means that the pair could have been any two people who were alive at that time. When Marek gets his ear cut off, he remembers what he saw in the sarcophagus and starts claiming that it was him and knows that he should stay. If Marek had went back to the present, then it would have just been a coincidence and may have even been changed to where he sees that the ear is magically there or that it did fall off. At the very end when Kate is showing them the message written, which again, wasn't revealed until after Claire didn't die, she says, 'If Marek had come back with us, what would be written here instead?'. All of this is evidence to how the sarcophagus was always going to look the same but the people inside it would change based on Marek's actions.

Corrected entry: If anyone's wondering what happened to Tank, this story might help explain: http://earthlink.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,11831,00.html.
Correction: This website doesn't exist anymore.

Corrected entry: When Sam is working on Miss Katherine's windows, Miss Katherine is reading a poem to a student. After Sam recites the end of the poem, Miss Katherine explains that her door doesn't hang straight. Sam then looks toward the chalkboard and says,"I can fix that." In other scenes and shots you can see that the door is really on the opposite wall facing the chalk board.
Correction: He doesn't have to look at the door to make this reply, he just looks away from Miss Katherine, not a mistake.

Corrected entry: The three Minis drive from street level into the subway entrance, down the stairs onto a platform and then on onto the rails. Can't be done - to get to the platform they'd have to get through (very, very solid) passenger turnstiles. There is no station in L.A. that doesn't have them.
Correction: Actually, there are currently no Metro Rail stations in Los Angeles County that have turnstiles. The system is considering installing them, but at the time the movie took place, it was a barrier-free system.

Corrected entry: Joanna is missing a tooth on her right side while performing in the school concert but at the airport the tooth is missing on her left side - film flip.
Correction: First, I should point out that none of the shots of Joanna at the concert or at the airport are actually flipped. That said, during the concert we see 10 year old Joanna has already lost her right (viewer's left) primary cuspid (canine), but still has her left primary cuspid (it looks smallish like a primary and not a larger permanent cuspid). The next time we see Joanna it's at the airport, and now her left primary cuspid has also fallen out (perfectly realistic at her age to have certain loose primary teeth), but since there was plenty of time offscreen for this to occur in between the two scenes, this is not a continuity error.

Corrected entry: When the older Edward Bloom is soaking in the bathtub and his wife climbs in with him, he motions for her to come over to his side. She puts her arms into the water, at least up to the elbows, yet in the very next shot, her arms are on the outside of the tub, and completely dry. (01:28:45)
Correction: I just watched this on DVD, and when she leans into him, her arms stay in the water the entire time, wrapped around him.

Corrected entry: The public bus service in Dublin is called Dublin Bus. However, none of the buses in the film are Dublin Bus buses (obviously, they probably thought showing a Dublin Bus crash would damage the reputation). (Having said that, the vehicle that passes Mr. Henderson right at the end IS a Dublin Bus bus).
Correction: This isn't exactly true. While the main bus service in Dublin is called Dublin Bus, there are several private operators working the various routes since the public transport system was deregulated. So the bus used in the film could very well have been one of those.

Corrected entry: The private investigator says "you're a hard one to track down", but since funerals are usually 3-4 days after the death, he couldn't have been that hard to find.
Correction: Actually it is not uncommon for African-American families(Such as mine) to hold a body for at least a week before a funeral. As a matter of fact I have NEVER known a funeral to be planned 3-4 days after the death.
Correction: They didn't say it was PURE silver nitrate. If someone says they have a gold watch, that doesn't mean it's pure gold.