Charlie Kaufman: To begin... To begin... How to start? I'm hungry. I should get coffee. Coffee would help me think. Maybe I should write something first, then reward myself with coffee. Coffee and a muffin. Okay, so I need to establish the themes. Maybe a banana-nut. That's a good muffin.
Marty Wolf: First lesson in Hollywood, sweetheart: Always get it in writing.
Van Wilder: I know Ms Pacman is special. She's cute...she's fun...she swallows.
Jake: Just how I like 'em... all big and big-like.
Lorne Daniels: Nobody wants you, not even the Clippers.
Ali G: Sorry I iz late, bu dere was a documentry on about monkeys.
Tony Wilson: What's wrong with London Records?
Rob Gretton: The name, for a start.
Val: Thank God the French exist.
Jennifer: Thanks for sharing the Holiday spirit, psycho.
Ben Carpenter: C'mon, you mother. Come to papa.
Yianni: Ian, if you're gonna be in this family, I get you some earplugs because the Portokalos women, if they're not nagging someone... they DIE.
Toula Portokalos: Ah, you're in so much trouble when I tell my sister.
Athena: Tell me what?
Chuck Cedar: We're looking for somebody. Longfellow Deeds.
Murph: Wow! Is that's Deeds' first name?
Cecil Anderson: Well, if the Deeds you're referring to is Longfellow Deeds, then yes, that is Deeds' first name.
Murph: Well, I don't know Deeds' first name, maybe it's Greg.
Cecil Anderson: Maybe it's Longfellow.
Murph: Maybe. But I don't know. I know another guy named Greg. You want me to call him up?
Chuck Cedar: No! Thank you. Please. Just tell us where Deeds lives.
Pepe the Prawn: I've got some good news for everyone, unless you are an evil banker lady, then it sucks, okay.