Question: Why does Norton lie and say that he "has company" and then make De Niro wait longer during the robbery? Sure, Norton double crosses him later, but wouldn't making his partner wait put both of them in danger of getting caught since it delays them and increases their chances of getting caught?

Question: What did Jezelle mean at the police station about the creeper saying "I think it's eaten too many hearts for its own to ever stop."
Answer: Since the Creeper needs various body parts i.e. eyes to see, lungs to breathe, it would also need to eat the hearts of its victims for its own heart to keep beating. Or she could mean that the Creeper is essentially devoid of all emotions as it keeps attacking anybody that has the body parts that it needs to extend its own life.

Question: Near the beginning at the wedding Fran comes to to meet Mary, Penny comes over to tell Mary about the bellydancer's tattoo. Mary then asks her to prepare the 'Murdoch file' and Fran's mom says "Murdoch? As in-" then she makes a funny noise as if this had some meaning to her. I realize the 'Murdoch file' was fake and just to get rid of Penny, but is there some other meaning for it?
Answer: Murdoch as in media mogul Rupert Murdoch. It makes her sound important, giving the impression that someone of his caliber would use her for a wedding planner.

Question: What's the name of the song playing at the end, when Ali defeats Foreman, and also when Ali is running through Zaire?
Answer: The song at the end is called Tomorrow by sauf keita. Its on the soundtrack and is the same one when Ali is running through zaire.

Question: Can anyone translate what Axel Torvalds and his lawyer say to each other in their conversation after Agent Roberts is decoyed away by the fake phone call? The film doesn't provide subtitles because it isn't essential to the plot, but I'm still curious.
Chosen answer: Scene 1: T: Funktioniert alles noch? (Everything all right?) L: Es geht (more or less). Scene 2: L: Sagen Sie nichts mehr (Don't say anything). T: Ja. L: Ich kriege Sie hier raus und zurueck nach Europa (I will get you out of here and back to Europe). T: Sie wissen, dass die beiden Affen noch hinter dem Spiegel sind (You know that these two monkeys are behind this mirror). Scene 3: L: Das macht die Lage auch nicht besser (That doesn't improve the situation). The Lawyer speaks German as a foreign language, Thovald's German is perfect.

Question: When Bridget and Daniel are in bed at the hotel, she says "that thing you just did is actually illegal in several countries". Anyone know what she was talking about? I assume it's a sex thing and I'm dying to know.
Answer: I'm pretty sure you can assume she's talking about anal sex, which is still technically illegal in a number of countries.

Question: According to the IMDb, every ship that's ever been in a Disney move is included in the Leviathan graveyard. Could anyone give me some examples?
Answer: For example prince Eric's ship/s from "the Little Mermaid" and the Susan Constant from "Pocahontas".

Question: Was Ian Holm using contact lenses, or did they do something with his eyes in post production? From the scene where Abberline asks about the Free Masons and onwards his eyes are considerably darker (a deliberate effect I take it).
Answer: His eyes are not just darker, his entire eyes are completely black. This was done by CGI effects to show that the murderous Ripper side to Gull's persona is taking over and is in control.

Question: At the end, is Cyrus a ghost or a real person? If he's a ghost, why can he be seen without the glasses?
Answer: He's alive. He faked his death at the beginning of the movie to get Arthur and his children into the house, because only then would he be able to force Arthur to engage the 13th Ghost. When Cyrus is seen at the end of the movie, he is disguised with the blood patch to make it appear that he is dead to a casual observer with the glasses (everyone is wearing them at this point) and prevent Arthur from being able to figure out his plan.

Question: Why did Thade kill the two apes that were with him after they showed him the trail left by Leo's pod?
Answer: To prevent anyone else from learning that Leo came from space. After Pericles' ship crashed, there was a prophecy of a second coming of Semos, the founder of Ape civilization. Thade wants to kill all humans, so if anyone found out, it would be considered a sign and the council might consider making peace with the humans.

Question: In one of the last scenes of the movie when the camera is spanning the waste of the battlefield, why is there a British Lee Enfield rifle shown propped up against a tree? Why would that weapon be found there?
Answer: Units from all nations were mixed throughout the field.
Answer: It was not uncommon for us troops in WW1 to be issued the Lee Enfield or the 1917 Enfield.

Question: When Bev drives to meet Ray to have him sign a waiver so her book could get published, Ray tells Amelia that Bev was his first wife. Since Bev and Ray never got divorced, isn't she still his first wife and his marriage to Amelia null and void?
Answer: Amelia is Jason's girlfriend! Ray never says if his Shirley is his wife.
Yes he did. He introduced Bev as his first wife, implying that she's his second wife.

Question: Why is Jennings drunk and worried about the situation? Is he just upset? I can't understand why the other maid said she would do anything he asked.
Answer: Jennings' drinking problem stems from his having been a World War I conscientious objector, for which he was imprisoned. He has kept this secret and is worried the police investigation will uncover his past and jeopardize his job. The maid, Dorothy, is secretly in love with Jennings and wants to protect him.

Question: How does Raymond Dufayel aka Glass Man know Amélie is looking for Bretodeau/Bredoteau aka The Box Man. He says "I've lived here for five years. This is the first time we've met." Then adding that he never goes out on the landing, they're all creeps. So my question is who told him Amélie was looking for The Box Man? Lucien the grocer boy maybe? As he delivers to his flat. Or maybe Madeleine Wallace the Concierge. (00:26:20)
Chosen answer: The Glass Man isn't as reclusive as he tells Amelie; he obviously talks to many people and spies on them with his binoculars (he knows all about Amelie's revenge on the grocer and the letter she wrote to Mrs. Wells). It isn't revealed where he got the specific information about Amelie's search for Dominique Bredoteau.

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song that is playing when Jamie Presley is walking down the hall with her friends.
Answer: The song is called "Yoo Hoo" by Imperial Teen. The same song plays in Jawbreaker when Rose McGowan is leading her friends down the hall, which is of course, the scene that Not Another Teen Movie is mimicking.

Question: Is it really possible to stop blood flowing from the brain with a pin stuck in the neck? Also, why does the blood not flow again after Jet Li has removed the pin?
Answer: 1). Yes it is possible. 2) If you listened while Li told the dying man what was happening, he said that when he pulled the pin out, the blood WOULD flow again, except: because of the empty blood vessels, there would be a vacuum effect that would suck too much blood too fast... therefore the guy dies.
Answer: The acupuncture point known as "Point 15" is in a delicate area of the spinal column, a little below the second cervical vertebra. It's a definite knock-out target in fighting, and it can even be a lethal target. But Jet Li's explanation that it somehow prevents blood from flowing away from the brain is pure nonsense.
Answer: Norton already has an advance plan to prevent himself from getting caught. The delay is both to fluster DeNiro, and to prevent him from having enough time at the moment of the double-cross to come up with an alternate to handing over the prize without getting caught himself.
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