Question: At the end, are John and Sara married? She's wearing a ring, but he is not. Perhaps they're just engaged?

Question: Wat keeps threatening to "fong" people. Is this a medieval term or did Alan Tudyk just think the word was funny?
Answer: In the commentary, Alan says that it means to kick someone. But the cast also thought it was funny.

Question: When Kevin admits to having slept with no one at college,considering what Jess tells Vicky that if he said he slept with 3 he more likely slept with 1 or none will it be true what Stifler said about Vicky that if she said 1 it more likely to be 3?
Chosen answer: Yes. That's the point of the theory. Men multiply the number of women they've had sex with by 3, women divide the number by 3.

Question: At the beginning, Brad Pitt takes two tablets then somehow survives a massive electric shock. Are the tablets some form of stimulant to help his system recover (or some other form of genuine treatment), or is it just a fictional cinematic device?
Chosen answer: He might have taken a medical equivalent to a regulated dose of Curare, which can suspend the body temporarily in a coma-like state, while keeping the mind active and perceptive. It could also have been tetrodotoxin, which has remarkably similar effects, but lasts longer. In either case, they were specifically engineered for his physiology, indicating a pharmacologist's aid in their endeavor.

Question: Why did Max want to scam Barbara at the end?
Answer: Because Barbara stole all the money that Max and Paige had scammed from people over the years. She wants it back.

Question: The first time Sarah goes out clubbing with Chenille, they run into some other girls from their school. One of them is Nikki, who gets mean and says that she's 'not walking on eggshells just because someone brought the Brady Bunch to the N*gro club'. Chenille gets offended and yells "Nikki, you did not just call me a N*gro." How is the term N*gro offensive? Or were they just not allowed to say ni**err in this movie? (Perhaps to preserve the rating?) Someone please help - this has been driving me nuts.
Answer: "N*gro" was the PC term in the 60's. While by no means vulgar, it has mostly fallen out of use and some people are offended by it.

Question: Who handed Sean the blunt in the scene where he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom? The next scene shows D Loc waking up from under a comforter, as if he hadn't set foot on the floor that morning. And Diane was still asleep on the floor in the living room, guarding her personals for dear life.
Answer: Snoop dog.

Question: The Director states in the commentary that there are some clues to some kind of puzzle at certain scenes (such as When Lara is doing the bungee ballet and when Alex gets knifed). What are these clues that we're supposed to be looking for - something in the background? The action? Some kind of composition? And just what is the puzzle?
Answer: This movie left a lot of holes. It was pretty much: Lara knew what to do and she did it. Perhaps there are clues in the movie, but the book explains all the puzzles in much more detail (as books do). So if you are really interested in the deep puzzles of the adventure, the Tomb Raider book is what you should look at.

Question: The character Rock resembles Protoman (aka Blues in Japan) from the videogame Mega Man (Rockman) in appearance. Both wear shades and red clothing (Megaman has blue eyes and black hair and it's assumed that Proto has the same). The original Megaman characters and plot are very similar to Osamu Tezuka's Astroboy. With the character name, the robot themes, jazz/blues music, and the appearance, I was wondering if this was intentional on the animator's part or just coincidental.
Answer: If anything, Mega Man was influenced by Metropolis--Mega Man came around in 1987 and Metropolis first appeared in manga form in 1949.

Question: Why is the very first scene, before the audience is introduced to any of the four main characters, included? If it was just to show the creepy guys Cassie believes are chasing her, why not just keep it at the gothic rave?
Answer: I believe it's both a red herring (Oh, another slasher teen horror) and an attempt at making it more believeable that there are these killers chasing Cassie throughout her 'dream'.

Question: In the scene in the library, where Elle gets turned away from Vivian and Warner's study group, she and Enid get into an argument, where Enid remarks, "Like when you called me a d*ke and then voted against me?" to which Elle then accuses Vivian of saying it. What scene are they talking about?

Question: How does Raymond Dufayel aka Glass Man know Amélie is looking for Bretodeau/Bredoteau aka The Box Man. He says "I've lived here for five years. This is the first time we've met." Then adding that he never goes out on the landing, they're all creeps. So my question is who told him Amélie was looking for The Box Man? Lucien the grocer boy maybe? As he delivers to his flat. Or maybe Madeleine Wallace the Concierge. (00:26:20)
Chosen answer: The Glass Man isn't as reclusive as he tells Amelie; he obviously talks to many people and spies on them with his binoculars (he knows all about Amelie's revenge on the grocer and the letter she wrote to Mrs. Wells). It isn't revealed where he got the specific information about Amelie's search for Dominique Bredoteau.

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song that is playing when Jamie Presley is walking down the hall with her friends.
Answer: The song is called "Yoo Hoo" by Imperial Teen. The same song plays in Jawbreaker when Rose McGowan is leading her friends down the hall, which is of course, the scene that Not Another Teen Movie is mimicking.

Question: Is it really possible to stop blood flowing from the brain with a pin stuck in the neck? Also, why does the blood not flow again after Jet Li has removed the pin?
Answer: 1). Yes it is possible. 2) If you listened while Li told the dying man what was happening, he said that when he pulled the pin out, the blood WOULD flow again, except: because of the empty blood vessels, there would be a vacuum effect that would suck too much blood too fast... therefore the guy dies.
Answer: The acupuncture point known as "Point 15" is in a delicate area of the spinal column, a little below the second cervical vertebra. It's a definite knock-out target in fighting, and it can even be a lethal target. But Jet Li's explanation that it somehow prevents blood from flowing away from the brain is pure nonsense.

Question: Mickey Mantle was on a home run streak that year and then got hurt. I am just curious to know, if Mickey Mantle had been the one to break the record, if there would be such an uproar over it.
Answer: Actually Maris was MVP the previous year, 1960.
Answer: Probably not. Mantle was loved by the fans and the sports writers, plus he was a good layer. Maris never really had a good season before, or after, so a lot of people did not think he deserved to be the one to break the record.

Question: What was Lokar hiding? And why did he want to keep it a secret?
Answer: Lokar was conducting a genocidal campaign against the Bosniak population, a severe war crime. The photos of the mass grave would have exposed him.
Answer: They are engaged and celebrating the day they met each other.