Best comedy movie quotes of 1998

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Movie Quote Quiz
Small Soldiers picture

Major Chip Hazard: If it lacerates or detonates, I want it mobile and I want it lethal.

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The Players Club picture

Diamond: Make the money, don't let it make you.

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A Bug's Life picture

Hopper: If I didn't promise my mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I'd kill you!
Molt: You know, no-one appreciates that more than I do.

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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas picture

Dr. Gonzo: You drive. You drive. I think there's something wrong with me.

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Pleasantville picture

David: Yeah, where's our lawyer?
Big Bob: Oh, I think we want to keep these proceedings as pleasant as possible.

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Babe: Pig in the City picture

The Narrator: Something broke through the terror - flickerings, fragments of his short life, the random events that delivered him to this, his moment of annihilation. As terror gave way to exhaustion, Babe turned to his attacker, his eyes filled with one simple question: Why?

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The Object of My Affection picture

Rodney Fraser: One shouldn't be too hard on oneself when the object of one's affection returns the favor with rather less enthusiasm than one might have hoped.

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Zero Effect picture

Daryl Zero: I always say that the essence of my work relies fundamentally on two basic principles: objectivity and observation, or "the two obs" as I call them. My work relies on my ability to remain absolutely, purely objective, detached. I have mastered the fine art of detachment. And while it comes at some cost, this supreme objectivity is what makes me, I dare say, the greatest observer the world has ever known.

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Stepmom picture

Luke: Anna! You do not run out on your mother.
Anna Harrison: No, that's your job.

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Practical Magic picture

Sally Owens: Louis L'amour, who, by the way, was not a foreigner! He was from North Dakota, you asshole.

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The Rugrats Movie picture

Stu: Okay, maybe real fire isn't the best idea for a children's toy.

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Twice Upon a Yesterday picture

Victor Bukowski: Even if I could pretend that you never left me... I couldn't pretend that I don't love her.

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Very Bad Things picture

Robert Boyd: Time for some serious self-exploration - how do I function. For real! No more bullshit. Can I keep my cool when they bounce my bananas, when they won't play my song, etc, etc, etc. Do you get me? DO you GET ME?
Michael Berkow: Not really, no.

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Dirty Work picture

Mitch: Look, uh, it's kind of embarrassing to be physically afraid of a hundred year old man who just had a coronary. So, uh, can we hurry this along?

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The Opposite of Sex picture

Dedee Truitt: Lucia and Carl had their baby. You can imagine the pick of that litter. It was the kind of kid that if you played with it too much after a feeding, you threw up.

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A Night at the Roxbury picture

Cambi: Yeah, yeah, Joanie loves Chachi, but does Chachi give a flyin' fuck about Joanie?

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My Date with the President's Daughter picture

Hallie: Come on, I want you to meet Daddy.
Duncan: You mean the President?.. Of our country?

More My Date with the President's Daughter quotes
More Waking Ned quotes
Major League: Back to the Minors picture

Doc: Do you have nicoise?
Diner Cook: I told you. We have ranch, Italian, and chunky bleu cheese, which is 50 cents extra.
Doc: Do you have any balsamic vinegar?
Diner Cook: I got ranch, Italian, chunky bleu cheese.
Doc: How about a gun so I can shoot myself in the head?

More Major League: Back to the Minors quotes

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