Diamond: Make the money, don't let it make you.

Hopper: If I didn't promise my mother on her deathbed that I wouldn't kill you, I'd kill you!
Molt: You know, no-one appreciates that more than I do.

Dr. Gonzo: You drive. You drive. I think there's something wrong with me.

David: Yeah, where's our lawyer?
Big Bob: Oh, I think we want to keep these proceedings as pleasant as possible.

Daryl Zero: I always say that the essence of my work relies fundamentally on two basic principles: objectivity and observation, or "the two obs" as I call them. My work relies on my ability to remain absolutely, purely objective, detached. I have mastered the fine art of detachment. And while it comes at some cost, this supreme objectivity is what makes me, I dare say, the greatest observer the world has ever known.

Luke: Anna! You do not run out on your mother.
Anna Harrison: No, that's your job.

Sally Owens: Louis L'amour, who, by the way, was not a foreigner! He was from North Dakota, you asshole.

Miss Clavel: You're giving me a gray hair.
Madeline: Could I see?
Miss Clavel: No.

Victor Bukowski: Even if I could pretend that you never left me... I couldn't pretend that I don't love her.

Robert Boyd: Time for some serious self-exploration - how do I function. For real! No more bullshit. Can I keep my cool when they bounce my bananas, when they won't play my song, etc, etc, etc. Do you get me? DO you GET ME?
Michael Berkow: Not really, no.

Annie O'Shea: But he's never told a lie in his life.
Jackie O'Shea: Well, he's making up for it now.