Ivy: Somebody has to teach this beautiful bird some manners. Might as well be me.
Paulie: What's wrong with my manners?

Cisco: That mother fucker loaded...he got piles of cash just layin' around the crib.

David: Yeah, where's our lawyer?
Big Bob: Oh, I think we want to keep these proceedings as pleasant as possible.

Sally Owens: Louis L'amour, who, by the way, was not a foreigner! He was from North Dakota, you asshole.

Miss Clavel: You're giving me a gray hair.
Madeline: Could I see?
Miss Clavel: No.

Thomas Builds-the-Fire: Sometimes it's a good day to die, and sometimes it's a good day to have breakfast.

Matko Destanov: The Bulgarians always say: "Brother, if you can't solve a problem with money... solve it with a lot of money."

Mari Hoff: Ah, your not the famous phone bill, are ya?

Aggie Cromwell: Being normal is vastly overrated.

Lisa Dolittle: ...There's more to this HMO deal than money. You sell, they own you.
Dr. John Dolittle: Lisa, this is gonna be good for us.
Lisa Dolittle: I'm so tired of that rap. It's always for US, but sometimes I don't know who US IS!.

Tiffany: Oh, Chucky look at us. We belong dead. Good bye darling, I'll see you in hell.